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標題: [軟件] 死人 M$ Windows Update !! [打印本頁]

作者: dom    時間: 2008-4-10 02:49     標題: 死人 M$ Windows Update !!

又係我打緊 BF2142 時同我無離頭彈個 POP UP 出黎話 Update 完
話我 idle 左 5 分鐘內 會自動REBOOT

明明打得好高興 , 突然之間 lag 到死都覺得奇怪
又係唔問我自己 Update 重要彈個死人 POP UP 出黎 整到隻BF2142 hang 左

作者: dom    時間: 2008-4-10 03:09

癡線架Update reboot 完 同我強制 chkdsk
心知不妙 隻 VISTA 個 DRIVE 同我放 Anime 個 Drive 無離頭變左 RAW
750 GB DATA 無晒

依家連個 WinXP 都虧左 成日話要 咩鬼野系統檔損壞 請執行 CHKDSK
唔行呀 , 上次一行 整死埋個 VISTA 同成隻 Drive 既 MBR

乜鬼野 UPDATE 黎架 M$
死人 Automatic Update 今次真係比佢害死
作者: Richteralan    時間: 2008-4-10 03:17

You use FAT32?
作者: dom    時間: 2008-4-10 03:23

Originally posted by Richteralan at 2008-4-10 03:17:
You use FAT32?
All my drive runs NTFS .......
The worst part is
My Windows VISTA runs fine but after that STUPID Windows XP Windows Update (Interrupted my BF2142 by popping up a REBOOT REMINDER )

The WinVista Drive MBR corrupted and gives me BSoD , I can\'t even access Safe mode

WinXP just "Barely" boot up .....

[ Last edited by dom on 2008-4-10 at 03:25 ]
作者: dom    時間: 2008-4-10 03:30

This is the "few" updates "Windows Update" installed RIGHT before whole mess happen


MS08-025: Vulnerability in Windows Kernel could allow elevation of privilege
I think it\'s something related with KB941693.......
作者: dom    時間: 2008-4-10 04:22

(Online with my EeePC)
Great ! now both OS is DEAD and I have to do Format & Reinstall all over again
just like last week "Day off" !!!

作者: Richteralan    時間: 2008-4-10 05:08

I never experience this.

Maybe it\'s because of buggy BF2142.
作者: dom    時間: 2008-4-10 15:41

Originally posted by Richteralan at 2008-4-10 05:08:
I never experience this.

Maybe it\'s because of buggy BF2142.
If the stupid pop-up "Reminder" don\'t pop mid-game and start counting down for reboot ( Windows Update reminder)

I probably won\'t have to Force end-task the game ,
The game installation isn\'t located at WinVista Drive
I don\'t know WTF it messed up the partition table @ my Vista Drive as well

Just finished reinstall WinXP
Now goes on with the Vista installation

Actually , I kinda like it other than the annoying UAC keep asking "Permission" with Firefox 2.0.13
作者: dom    時間: 2008-4-10 16:23

VISTA isn\'t that bad IMHO
It runs GREAT and smooth on my Desktop
Only BSoD Once (Stupid AMD OverDrive , I shouldn\'t install this crap)

Most of my games works fine in Vista
Other than UAC being a bit annoying
作者: bebe2803    時間: 2008-4-10 18:01

尋晚我部機又 boot 左, 不過而家過親 3am 都會睇下部機有冇做過 update, 之前遇過咁多次, 而家見過鬼都怕黑...

作者: dom    時間: 2008-4-11 13:43

I missed the poor VISTA .....
IT runs great with my ATI Graphic card , just becoz of the STUPID Windows Update messed up the partition and it\'s dead

Tonight I will get it install again
作者: bebe2803    時間: 2008-4-11 17:41

不過用咁耐 windows update / 裝更新, 都未試過炒得咁大穫, 最多重裝 windows 而唔會 harddisk 都花埋...
作者: Aware    時間: 2008-4-18 22:26

個auto restart有得熄架
作者: dickykwanhk    時間: 2008-4-20 13:13

作者: bebe2803    時間: 2008-5-8 11:20

有 group policy 玩就可以裝完都唔會 boot 機

business 真係好玩過 home... 搵日連 IIS 都玩埋先...
作者: dom    時間: 2008-5-8 17:28

我得 Home Premium
作者: bebe2803    時間: 2008-5-8 20:23

我都係 home premium 個 biz 唔係我既
作者: BossaGroove    時間: 2008-5-19 23:28

之前都試過差D用500GB data同vista陪葬…
好耐以前已經好鐘意truncate走人地D file,整到damage曬,

不過就未試過win update搞到partition 出事…

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