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標題: [軟件] ATI Catalyst Control Center 無法開啟修正方法!! [打印本頁]

作者: dom    時間: 2009-4-7 01:08     標題: ATI Catalyst Control Center 無法開啟修正方法!!

我試左  , 依家我部機都開得翻 CCC 了 :wahaha:
裝完新 Driver 再開唔到 Catalyst Control Center 既版友可以跟以下 Step 去做 !!!
It seems as though this is a universal problem after updating Catalyst Control Center and probably is not related to the drivers download itself. Try the following steps to return CCC to its normal status as this is what worked for me after the 8.10 update and incurring the same problem as you now report:
更新驅動程式 後 (尤其係 Catalyst Control Center 有更新) CCC 無法啟動似乎係常見問題 , 查證過多數唔關 Driver  / Download 錯既問題. 你可以試下以下 步驟 修復 , 修復後 CCC 應該可以正常開啟  再無出現 無法啟動既情況
  1) Uninstall CCC as well as updated ATI drivers. Do not use Windows control panel to do this, instead download a free utility called "Revo Uninstaller" (Google it - it\'s free) and use it to uninstall the 2 aforementioned programs, and set the tool to it\'s highest setting as this also displays registry settings and related files remaining after the normal sloppy uninstall, that you will then be able to completely uninstall with this tool.
1. 請先下載 "Revo Uninstaller" ( 請 Google 一下下載連結 , 免費軟體來的) , 安裝 Revo Uninstaller 後 , 開啟 Revo Uninstaller , 利用 Revo Installer 內既 "解除安裝"  移除 Catalyst Control Center 及 ATI Display Driver  , 請選擇 "進階" 模式  繼續  
佢會開左原先 Uninstall 個移除步驟 , 照平時咁移除 之後 , Revo Uninstaller 會同你掃瞄 有關軟件 uninstall 後 淨低係 registry 同 HDD  "內既 "蘇洲屎"    ,   下一步之後 會找到 留左係 Registry 內既有關 Program 既淨餘物
請淨係要 tick 粗體字 既項目 (唔好亂tick 其他野, 真係同你 DELETE 的!) 按 刪除
按下一步 , 佢會掃埋個 HDD 有咩野淨低係有關的, 又係選左粗名既項目  按 刪除

**  點解唔用 "控制台" 入面既新增/移除程式 , 係因為 本身 ATI 寫的 Uninstaller 清得唔乾淨 (寫得求其?)**
  2) Do not reinstall CCC and drivers yet, as you next must go to your C:\ drive and look for any ATI folders that are probably remaining in this location. You do not have to delete them at this time but simply rename them, such as "ATI**_Old". Actually, you will have to go into the TaskManager first and STOP 2 services that are probably running: "MOM.exe" and "CCC.exe" before you will get permission to rename the folder(s).
第二步  , 唔好即刻重新 Install CCC 同顯卡 Driver 住! 你要先開  "工作管理員 / Task Manager"  *(Ctrl + Alt + Del) , 去 "處理程序" 頁
找"CCC.exe" 同 "MOM.exe"    結束處理程序 ,  再去 C:\ drive 找 "ATI" 既資料夾  , 改名就得了 , 例如改做 "ATI_OLD"
3) Next, proceed to the "C:\Program Files" directory and again look for possibly 2 or more folders in this directory (folder) that are prefixed with the name "ATI***" (*** stands for a wildcard placeholder in the text). Again, do not delete them as yet, but simply rename them by adding the suffix "_Old" to the folder name. (You can delete them if you like after CCC regains its normal functionality.)
第三步 , 改完名之後 , 請到 " C:\Program Files  " 內找找 叫 "ATI " 起頭既資料夾 , 唔駛 Delete , 又係改名
例如加個 "_OLD"   係後面 !
   4) Lastly, now reinstall Catalyst Control Center and your required drivers and you will now see new ATI folders in the locations that we just reviewed. When completed try restarting CCC and it should open properly now. You may have to reboot your computer for the actions to take effect.
最後 , 做好以上程序 , 你可以重新安裝最新既 Catalyst Control Center 同埋 Display Card Driver 了 , 你應該會見到裝個陣
會重新建立新資料夾  去原有 "C:\" ( C:\ATI ) , "C:\Program Files\ATI xxxx xxxx " , 裝好之後
請重新開機 , 再試試 "Restart Runtime" (或者等 "ATI" icon 出現係 Tray bar 吧! ) , 應該會正常開到 CCC 了!!
   5) The problem does not appear to be a "driver issue" at all but is more related to the lack of a proper uninstall procedure (ATI should step in and write a good uninstalling application that deletes these retained BUT conflicting folders that are simply confusing the execution of CCC. As you can see by the spinning of the hourglass icon in windows at startup, CCC is trying to start and indeed it\'s 2 services, MON.exe and CCC.exe do in fact appear as running processes in takmanager, but with competing and conflicting folder information the "CCC GUI" won\'t open because the shortcut points to multiple versions of the file at the same time, so NO choice (execution) is the result. Remember, computers are Dumb, and only a little smarter than people!
其實 CCC 係更新 Driver 後開唔到唔關 "Driver" 問題 , 主要係 移除程式個度 清得唔清唔楚 (ATI 一早應該寫好d 個 移除程式!) , 留低d 同名 Folder 係度  整到 CCC d path 亂左 唔識啟動 . 其實你見到 開 Windows 出漏斗 load CCC 個陣 , 佢係開 "CCC.exe" 同埋 "MOM.exe" 兩個程序 , 因為 新裝同舊留左係度既 Folder 指錯左 shortcut , 所以個 CCC GUI 唔知跟邊個 shortcut 傻左唔識開
(唔可以同時開兩個 CCC 嘛 )   , 最後 變左咩都無開 / 出 Error .  請記住 電腦係比人醒少少的 但係都係蠢的

後加 :
其實又係一個典型 Programming 問題 , Garbage in Garbage Out

如果 ATI / AMD 佢地寫好d 個 移除程序 , 唔好留堆蘇州屎  或者 上新 Driver 個陣 檢查一下有無 資料夾存在 衝突 , 避開左個衝突 就唔會有 更新完 Driver + CCC 會開唔到 CCC 呢個情況
同樣道理 亦都可以 推去 ATI Display Driver  , 出新版 Driver , 整好一d 舊bug / 問題 但係又整d 新既 bug / 問題出黎
唔該 AMD / ATI 做 Driver QA / Programmer 既 好手尾d +  執正黎做好 QA Testing 先放出街 ,
唔好為左個個月出新版 Driver 整好頭衰個尾既情況!!!

(淨係播高清 由 Catalyst 7 到依家 Catalyst 9.3 都未 100 % 修正到就知 )

Traditional Chinese Translated by dom @ 吹部
作者: qcmadness    時間: 2009-4-7 01:09

救命呀, 點解可以咁爛
作者: dom    時間: 2009-4-7 02:43

ATI did it again
作者: Tommi_Vercetti    時間: 2009-4-9 14:59

Originally posted by dom at 2009-4-7 02:43:
ATI did it again
其實用driver sweeper清完 (complete uninstall)再裝可唔可行?

[ Last edited by Tommi_Vercetti on 2009-4-9 at 15:00 ]

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