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標題: [硬件] Bulldozer cannot be used in Socket AM3 Motherboard [打印本頁]

作者: qcmadness    時間: 2010-8-27 22:18     標題: Bulldozer cannot be used in Socket AM3 Motherboard ... 1&id=1282840508

"The existing G34 and C32 server infrastructure will support the new Bulldozer-based server products. In order for AMD’s desktop offering to fully leverage the capabilities of Bulldozer, an enhanced AM3+ socket will be introduced that supports Bulldozer and is backward-compatible with our existing AM3 CPU offerings."

"When we initially set out on the path to Bulldozer we were hoping for AM3 compatibility, but further along the process we realized that we had a choice to make based on some of the features that we wanted to bring with Bulldozer. We could either provide AM3 support and lose some of the capabilities of the new Bulldozer architecture or, we could choose the AM3+ socket which would allow the Bulldozer-base Zambezi to have greater performance and capability.

The majority of the computer buying public will not upgrade their processors, but enthusiasts do. When we did the analysis it was clear that the customers who were most likely to upgrade an AM3 motherboard to a Bulldozer would want the features and capability that would only be delivered in the new AM3+ sockets. A classic Catch-22.

Why not do both you ask? Just make a second model that only works in AM3? First, because that would greatly increase the cost and infrastructure of bringing the product to market, which would drive up the cost of the product (for both AMD and its partners). Secondly, adding an additional product would double the time involved in many of the development steps.

So in the end, delivering an AM3 capability would bring you a less featured product that was more expensive and later to market. Instead we chose the path of the AM3+ socket, which is a path that we hope will bring you a better priced product, with greater performance and more features - on time.

When we looked at the market for AM3 upgrades, it was clear that the folks most interested in an AM3-based product were the enthusiasts. This is one set of customers that we know are not willing to settle for second best when it comes to performance, so we definitely needed to ensure that our new architecture would meet their demanding needs, for both high performance and overclockability. We believe they will see that in AM3+."
作者: dom    時間: 2010-8-27 22:22

SHIT SHIT SHIT!!!!!!!!!!

AMD 好學唔學 Intel
作者: qcmadness    時間: 2010-8-27 22:24 ... =257927&page=21
作者: hungjoyee    時間: 2010-8-27 23:37

頂佢個廢 賤格 一句cost 上升 廢咗am3 好心佢啦 佢自己都唔知道自己定位起邊 同intel 又鬥唔過 唯一用來係放便做upgrade 先買你 如果唔係向下兼容 駛買你咩 我去買intel 唔好 又涼你好多 又快好多

一句creative 好product 比customer onx
作者: hungjoyee    時間: 2010-8-27 23:57

今我等am3+ mb 出好過 今搞法 amd 實少咗好多客仔
作者: qcmadness    時間: 2010-8-28 00:09 ... _Platforms_AMD.html
作者: hungjoyee    時間: 2010-8-28 00:11

真係買咗am3 mb 朋友 比人過咗一棟
作者: dom    時間: 2010-8-28 00:14

原帖由 hungjoyee 於 2010-8-28 00:11 發表
真係買咗am3 mb 朋友 比人過咗一棟
枉我連肥龍咁熱 (9950BE/9850BE) 比人笑都用

A 仔今次 真係
你早講 Bulldozer 換 Socket 我忍埋呢半年呀
罷買 ATI 抗議!
作者: DICKXDV    時間: 2010-8-28 00:14

作者: dom    時間: 2010-8-28 00:20

原帖由 DICKXDV 於 2010-8-28 00:14 發表

除非 Bulldozer 至少同 Sandy Bridge 打平手
作者: DICKXDV    時間: 2010-8-28 00:25

原帖由 dom 於 2010-8-28 00:20 發表


除非 Bulldozer 至少同 Sandy Bridge 打平手
其實我覺得775 好, AM2/3好,
一般用, 去到四核心+4G RAM都有排玩...起碼2年..

eg 775--Q6600/Q8x00/Q9x00
    AM2/3 AX4 or P2X4
作者: dom    時間: 2010-8-28 00:27

原帖由 DICKXDV 於 2010-8-28 00:25 發表

其實我覺得775 好, AM2/3好,
一般用, 去到四核心+4G RAM都有排玩...起碼2年..

eg 775--Q6600/Q8x00/Q9x00
    AM2/3 AX4 or P2X4
我粒 1090T 睇黎可以陪足我三年
美幸號 R2 可以用夠三年了
作者: DICKXDV    時間: 2010-8-28 00:30

原帖由 dom 於 2010-8-28 00:27 發表

我粒 1090T 睇黎可以陪足我三年
美幸號 R2 可以用夠三年了

但文書, 就算用埋軟解高清, 四核有排玩....起碼2年
作者: hungjoyee    時間: 2010-8-28 01:18     標題: 回復 #8 dom 的帖子

我都要考慮下 要唔要買amd

完全唔顧及用家考慮 一個話要成本上升 cut am3 socket 擺明搵笨啦
作者: hungjoyee    時間: 2010-8-28 01:20     標題: 回復 #12 dom 的帖子

我最多換am3+ 板 到時候 放哂ram 佢
作者: dom    時間: 2010-8-28 01:23

原帖由 DICKXDV 於 2010-8-28 00:30 發表


但文書, 就算用埋軟解高清, 四核有排玩....起碼2年
部大機再 upgrade/ 砌
(美幸號 R2 係最後一代既 ATX Case 機)

如果再砌應該微縮化只會整 mATX
唔駛 RAID Card , Display 要睇重打唔打機 , 唔打機既 Cut 到用 Onboard (或者 "Fusion" / APU 已經夠我個陣用)

動物機 一早已經轉做 ITX
作者: dom    時間: 2010-8-28 01:27

原帖由 hungjoyee 於 2010-8-28 01:18 發表
我都要考慮下 要唔要買amd

完全唔顧及用家考慮 一個話要成本上升 cut am3 socket 擺明搵笨啦
佢出 8 系 chip 已經有搵笨既感覺 (除左 SB850 真係唔見有咩改)
諗住 8 系係最接近 Bulldozer 推出既 Chipset , AMD 又話推土機會用 AM3 平台出

用緊 790FX + SB750 其實 升 AM3 都係轉 DDR3 準備銜接 Bulldozer

重手d 買塊最貴既 Crosshair IV 890FX + SB850 , 買埋 DDR3-1600 (依家有埋 2000 添)
買 1090T 可以玩耐d 等夠 2011 年底 出推土機 換粒 U Upgrade

今年唔少買左 AM3 + 8 系 Chipset 既玩家/用家買左幾個月唔夠一年
AMD 依家先話 Bulldozer 會用 AM3+ Socket
轉 Socket AM3+ (AM3r2)  , 我頂
作者: irvingtin    時間: 2010-8-28 09:19

轉左 AM3 無幾耐, 仲諗住可以就咁升U玩落去~~~
作者: dom    時間: 2010-8-28 10:58

原帖由 irvingtin 於 2010-8-28 09:19 發表
轉左 AM3 無幾耐, 仲諗住可以就咁升U玩落去~~~
作者: wai-3-love    時間: 2010-8-28 11:28


作者: DICKXDV    時間: 2010-8-28 12:05

轉socket, 係唔係仲代表一個全新架構?

作者: dellasus    時間: 2010-8-28 12:14

作者: hungjoyee    時間: 2010-8-28 12:45     標題: 回復 #22 dellasus 的帖子

作者: dellasus    時間: 2010-8-28 12:58

原帖由 hungjoyee 於 2010-8-28 12:45 發表
just like LGA775
作者: bebird    時間: 2010-8-28 13:03

原帖由 dellasus 於 2010-8-28 12:14 發表
can, but u need a new AM3+ motherboard to use AM3+ CPU, and compatible to AM3 CPU

however, existing AM3 motherboard only can use AM3 CPU
作者: Henry    時間: 2010-8-28 18:17

原帖由 qcmadness 於 2010-8-27 22:18 發表 ... 1&id=1282840508

"The existing G34 and C32 server infrastructure will support the new Bulldozer-based server pr ...

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