Nikita is an American television drama for The CW Television Network. It is based on the 1990 French film Nikita, 1993 remake Point of No Return, and the 1997 television series La Femme Nikita. The story centers on a secret organization known as Division. Targeting young people from a troubled background, Division erases all evidence of their past lives and molds them into efficient spies and assassins. Nikita is the first recruit to escape and promises to bring down her former employers. Having trained Nikita, Michael, a Division operative, is ordered by his boss Percy to deal with his former student. In the meantime, Division continues training its recruits, Thom, Jaden, and the newest, Alex.
《尼基塔》由华纳兄弟电视和Wonderland Sound and Vision公司联合出品。制片人由Craig Silverstein(《识骨寻踪》/《K警小分队》),Danny Cannon(《犯罪现场调查》/《超市特工》),McG(《邪恶力量》/《超市特工》/《橘子郡男孩》/《霹雳娇娃》),和Peter Johnson(《邪恶力量》/《超市特工》)担当。试播片由Danny Cannon执导。
本剧根据1990年法国电影《尼基塔女郎》(La Femma Nikita)、1993年美国翻拍版电影《尼基塔:永不回头》(Point of No Return)及1997年由美国和加拿大联合制作的电视剧集《尼基塔女郎》(La Femme Nikita)改编而成。其中,电视剧集《尼基塔女郎》在美国的USA电视网和加拿大的CTV电视台播出了5季96集,2001年结束。《尼基塔女郎》和《双面女间谍》(Alias)并称为「当代最杰出的女性间谍剧集」,是后续同类剧集的标准和样板。