原帖由 toby 於 2012-11-7 15:58 發表
我都想開POST 開有咩APP好裝..
DL 左DS VIDEO,但係都冇APP可以播片囉,
原帖由 jackli 於 2012-11-7 16:01 發表
大把app 播片LA,
avplayer, air player mkv 又得rmvb 又得
itunes 裝app 緊系煩LA, 佢又跟機又要同步 (要改itunes database 個id 先會方便)
icloud 唔會記得你買左咩apps 的.. ...
原帖由 toby 於 2012-11-7 16:21 發表
我見D APP側邊有舊雲係度,真係搞到我一舊雲
咁我係ITUNES DL D APP去左邊_度?
你講D APP要JB嫁?
原帖由 micmicll 於 2012-11-7 16:30 發表
He cloud button means you have purchased the app and its stored in the cloud.
Don't think this is Google play store. Its a different system.![]()
原帖由 toby 於 2012-11-7 16:37 發表
stored in the cloud?
how to manage that cloud?
i cannot find that in "purchased" tab
原帖由 toby 於 2012-11-7 16:37 發表
stored in the cloud?
how to manage that cloud?
i cannot find that in "purchased" tab
原帖由 potato 於 2012-11-7 17:16 發表
no apps就咁dl返就得
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