The x86 counterpart doesn't have a publicly known name at this point, but it is a new design built from the ground up.
Keller even outright said that "the way we built ARM is a little different from x86" because it "has a bigger engine." I take that to mean AMD's ARM-compatible microarchitecture is somewhat wider than its sister, x86-compatible core. We'll have to see how that difference translates into performance in the long run.
原帖由 Puff 於 2014-5-7 00:15 發表 ... 86-cores-are-coming
水晶球時間:大大粒 AMD 版 Cyclone 做
原帖由 qcmadness 於 2014-5-7 00:21 發表
佢話wider, 我覺得係做多d cores
ARM scale up暫時唔係咁著數
x86 scale down反而容易 (2-issue Jaguar / BayTrail)
原帖由 Puff 於 2014-5-7 00:28 發表
網中人話唔會再有 CMT。所以 16 打後可能一粒就只係一粒。
我覺得 Puma+ 之後可能就四粒貓貓玩完,兩粒新核心取代佢
late edit:
如果你記得的話,CMT byebye 我講左好耐架啦,老外"爆料"都係呢兩日先出街 ...
原帖由 Puff 於 2014-5-7 00:34 發表
我睇 Cyclone 咁樣既核心其實就最符合 AMD 狀況
1. AMD 做密集伺服器,功耗行先
2. AMD 想用 ARM 入平板同擴展佢地中低端嵌入市場
3. AMD 想玩 networking/comms
4. 要同 A57/Krait/Silvermont 唔同
全部都係 perf/ ...
原帖由 Puff 於 2014-5-7 00:45 發表
15 年呢個景狀佢做得粒 A57 APU 出黎
除左平板同堆 fanless 又要有圖形既嵌入外仲有乜目標
呢樹十卜 android 除左劍指平板我諗唔到可以點解
原帖由 Puff 於 2014-5-8 13:23 發表
有人話 K12 係山峰名,咁岩路線圖上面都有個山形 Icon...
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