原帖由 Puff 於 2014-9-20 14:33 發表
interface, cell lib 同 analong 轉晒做用 synopsys IP 喎。話得 interface,估計所有同 serdes 有關係既 (pcie/ht/sata/usb) 都會轉晒過檔。另外同製程相關果堆 cell lib/analog 都轉鬼晒去 synopsys,專心做架構/high ...
to focus our internal teams on designing the innovative 64-bit processor, graphics and peripheral IP that forms the foundation for our competitive differentiation, while leveraging Synopsys, the industry leader for cost-effective development of complementary standard IP components, for our future SoCs
原帖由 qcmadness 於 2014-9-20 19:30 發表
不過佢話"complementary standard IP components", 講真真係唔知包括咩
原帖由 qcmadness 於 2014-9-20 19:40 發表
我睇完佢portfolio之後, AMD似係想要mobile storage controller, ethernet controller同埋FinFET library
原帖由 Puff 於 2014-9-20 19:53 發表
the most important among all are logic libraries and analog IP. every soc needs them. if AMD get rid of ("transfer") the R&D of these two, it means AMD would have even less engineers working directly ...
原帖由 qcmadness 於 2014-9-20 19:56 發表
呢類core logic, 其實AMD唔會用最新的process做
你望下Hudson / Bolton都只係65nm就知
咁睇法, 可能AMD唔太滿意Jaguar的I/O
原帖由 Puff 於 2014-9-20 21:24 發表
唔單只係 I/O,講緊全粒 chip 用既 standard cell library 呀 SRAM 呀 PLL... 佢話 license 埋 logic lib/memory compiler on 14/10nm FinFET 嘛,仲要轉移埋自己果份俾 synopsys 兼成 team R&D 轉過去。
當然亦我可能 ...
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