HKSpot » 電子玩物
AMD (NYSE: AMD) today announced that it has agreed to sell $500 million aggregate principal amount of its 7.00% Senior Notes due 2024 in a private offering. AMD intends to close the transaction on or around June 16, 2014. AMD estimates that the net proceeds from the issuance and sale of the senior notes (the "Net Proceeds") will be approximately $490 million after deducting the initial purchasers' discounts and estimated offering expenses. AMD intends to use the Net Proceeds to fund the purchase of all 8.125% Senior Notes due 2017 (the "8.125% Notes") that are early tendered (the "Early Tender") in accordance with the terms of a tender offer that was announced earlier today (the "8.125% Tender Offer"). To the extent AMD still has 8.125% Notes outstanding following settlement of the Early Tender, prior to or following the expiration of the 8.125% Tender Offer, AMD intends to use the remaining Net Proceeds to redeem any and all remaining outstanding 8.125% Notes. AMD will use the remaining Net Proceeds after the completion of the 8.125% Tender Offer and any redemption of 8.125% Notes to redeem, repurchase or otherwise retire other outstanding indebtedness.
吹水部屋OC Team
原帖由 dom 於 2014-6-4 00:12 發表 唔明即係咩...
原帖由 Puff 於 2014-6-18 03:12 發表 唉呀,目前為止回購左 48.5% 咋。
原帖由 qcmadness 於 3/6/2014 19:13 發表 ... ring-235719556.html 點解可以咁爽
原帖由 qcmadness 於 2014-6-18 19:48 發表 做乜唔收錢走人?
原帖由 Puff 於 2014-6-18 19:58 發表 蝕左息掛。依家賣返得本金 ~6%,等多三年有本金 8.125% *3 倍息收
原帖由 qcmadness 於 2014-6-18 19:59 發表 之前都係咁換, 又唔見佢地唔肯, 定係覺得有其他問題?
原帖由 Puff 於 2014-6-18 20:01 發表 覺得 AMD 唔會摺,所以食多三年息掛 之前 AMD 季季蝕,有現金拎甩手好過無嘛
原帖由 qcmadness 於 2014-6-18 20:18 發表 呢幾日AMD又借錢, 可能真係買Icera
原帖由 Puff 於 2014-6-18 20:32 發表 邊樹有寫?而且買黎做乜... 手機打價格戰啦。除非你話 wearable/automobile 姐。
原帖由 qcmadness 於 2014-6-18 20:33 發表