
[硬件] ATI 前CEO辭職

Originally posted by Tommi_Vercetti at 2007-7-22 02:38:

I guess multi-core GPU would not be beneficial IF 2 cores linked in sth like crossfire mode...
CF mode is simply inefficient


remember why during 3DFX era that their Voodoo2 SLi was more efficient than present day\'s SLI/CF?

This is because GPU at that time was relatively simple. They had single pixel pipeline. It was more "serial" than present day GPU.

By doing SLi, they were able to achieve Single-core to Dual-core CPU performance increase.


Originally posted by Richteralan at 2007-7-22 10:43:

even it\'s linked with something more efficient on die level, it won\'t be more beneficial either.
It probably will be less efficient since the 2 cores has to have 2 independent cache/ROP/memory i ...
if the 2-core of RV670 comes true, then it may be vy inefficent though...