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Intel will unveil its Basin Falls platform, i.e. Skylake-X, Kaby Lake-X processors and X299 chipset, at Computex 2017 in Taipei during May 30-June 3 two months earlier than originally scheduled, and will bring forward the launch of Coffee Lake microarchitecture based on a 14nm process node from January 2018 originally to August 2017, to cope with increasing competition from AMD's Ryzen 7 and Ryzen 5 processors, according to Taiwan-based PC vendors. The Basin Falls-based products are expected to be launched at the E3 gaming show in the US in June, with the official release at the end of the month. The Skylake-X series has three 140W processors featuring 6-, 8- and 10-core architectures, while the Kaby Lake-X series has an 112W quad-core processor. In August, Intel will release a top-end 12-core Skylake-X processor. Meanwhile, AMD is planning to announce its top-end 16-core Ryzen processor and X399 platform in the third quarter to compete for the gaming market. As for the 14nm-based Coffee Lake-based processors, Intel will initially release several K-series Core i7/i5/i3 processors and its Z370 chipsets in August, and will release more CPUs as well as H370, B360 and H310 chipsets at the end of 2017 or early 2018. Intel has reportedly spent over US$100 million to order five EUV machine sets from ASML, to accelerate its pace of manufacturing. Intel and AMD both declined to comment on unannounced products.
原帖由 Henry 於 2017-4-20 09:26 發表 之前都好似Schedule左17Q3,應該果陣已經聞到Ryzen陣味。 而家只係確定真係8月出。 希望係6C+GT2/3e,用來打Ryzen APU都仲有機。 反而10nm Cannonlake同19年新Arch先係主菜。始終10nm好似係50%既14nm size。 ...
原帖由 Aware 於 2017-4-20 20:20 發表 講真,而家既架構,簡單啲講係P6++++++++++++,冇效能增長先正常,玩咗咁多年乜都揸盡