
[硬件] AMD going fabless

AMD going fabless

It looks like AMD will bite more than the ‘asset-smart’ bullet and go fabless after all, according to comments made by new CEO Dirk Meyer in an interview with the Austin American Statesman newspaper.

AMD is preparing to spin off its manufacturing operations into a new company, which would imply that a new business partner will also be a stakeholder in the manufacturing arm.
http://www.xbitlabs.com/news/oth ... ring_in_Months.html
Dirk Meyer, the new chief executive officer of Advanced Micro Devices, said in an interview with a news-paper that the company would spin off its manufacturing operations in months time as a part of its asset smart strategy. This is the first confirmation of the expected action by AMD’s high-ranking executive.
A very sad and bad news for AMD indeed.


Most brainless move by AMD.