
[硬件] AMD 6:1 Intel in Top 10 Computer List

AMD 6:1 Intel in Top 10 Computer List

Germany - The International Top 500 list of supercomputers for November, 2008, was published today. Only two computers exceed the Petaflop mark, with the max being 1.105 Petaflops, up from just one in June. The slowest computer in the top 500 came in at 12.6 Gigaflops. For only the second time the Top 500 list contains power consumption information. And while the #1 computer is the most powerful, it is also nearly 3x more energy efficient.

Top 10

In 2007, the #3 computer today would\'ve been #1. In 2006, the #8 would\'ve been #1. And in 2000, the #500 computer today would\'ve 255% faster than the #1 computer. AMD processors can be found in the #1, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 slots. Intel comes in only at #3 in the top 10, however 75% of the top 500 include Intel processors.

The Top 500 list is published twice per year in June and November. It has been published since June, 1993, where the #1 computer was 18,500x slower than today\'s number one. This new list was released today to coincide with the Supercomputing Conference held in Austin, Texas. This conference is an annual event and continues throughout the week.


i7 965可以1挑2 Opteron 2384


Originally posted by 真.飛鳥 at 2008-11-18 21:34:

Raw performance