
[硬件] Dirk Meyer left AMD!!!

Dirk Meyer left AMD!!!

http://www.thestreet.com/_yahoo/ ... =FREE&cm_ite=NA
NEW YORK (TheStreet) -- Shares of Advanced Micro Devices(AMD) slumped in extended trades after the Santa Clara, Calif.-based chip maker announced the surprise resignation of Dirk Meyer from its president and CEO posts.

Meyer joined AMD in 1995 and was named CEO in 2008. The company said Meyer had resigned by "mutual agreement" with the board but Chairman Bruce Claflin made it clear in his comments that the board wanted new blood at the top.

"[T]he Board believes we have the opportunity to create increased shareholder value over time," said Claflin. "This will require the company to have significant growth, establish market leadership and generate superior financial returns. We believe a change in leadership at this time will accelerate the company's ability to accomplish these objectives."

Thomas Seifert, currently the company's chief financial officer, was named interim CEO, and the board has formed a search committee to find Meyer's replacement. Seifert has already taken himself out of the running for the position.


原帖由 dom 於 2011-1-11 13:32 發表
A 記最黑暗既日子 佢帶領 A 記 走過挨過
正當A 記食住 APU 個勢慢慢翻身之際
Board 嫌佢慢 , 踢佢走
