HKSpot » 電子玩物
According to sources who claim to have first-hand experience with the Xbox Next, the console won't allow players to load used video games. The sources also claims that while the console focuses heavily on online functionality, games will continue to be sold in physical format. Another allleged downside? The 720 will supposedly require an Internet connection to function, with a updated version of Live said to be an integral part of the new system.
Rumored specifications for the next Xbox include an eight core AMD X 64 processor running at 1.6 GHz
原帖由 Tommi_Vercetti 於 2013-2-7 01:10 發表 和Digital Foundry關於新XB和PS嘅傳聞不謀而合
原帖由 Henry 於 2013-2-7 23:13 發表 即刻變Faildozer一粒。