
[硬件] X86 router NAT performance w/ Atom board? The ANS is NO.

原帖由 ccw 於 2011-11-20 20:20 發表
Actually, to what extent can an Atom board(D525) router offers?
In terms of NAT performance(main concern), can it reach 1000Mbit/s?

Besides getting a readily available router, software router maybe c ...
睇你咩com chip..
x86 絕對夠 handle 125MB/s 的,
睇你咩com chip 同os

cc this:
http://tw.network01.net/modules/ ... _id=237&forum=6

[ 本帖最後由 jackli 於 2011-11-20 20:50 編輯 ]


原帖由 ccw 於 2011-11-20 20:52 發表

Thanks for the info,
but in that sharing, the max NAT is around 250 Mbps,
Do you know if Atom D525 can handle BB1000 without losing much bandwidth?

D525's tdp is around 13W, it looks getting a G630 ...
你有冇試過玩atom, 玩raid or ssd 對抄? 125MB/s 絕對唔系問題...
買張貴DUAL LAN PCI-E x 8  EVEN x16 包你做到,
當然, 到時你一定要行raid OR RAMDISK, 125MB/s 平均速度trad harddisk做唔到test OR 實際用


用MikroTik routeros + x86 + pciex4 包你實快
其實p4 都做到, 不過佢個pci慢, pci-x 又先剛剛夠.,.,,.

未有pcie <-> south bridge 依家咁快

[ 本帖最後由 jackli 於 2011-11-20 21:28 編輯 ]


原帖由 ccw 於 2011-11-20 21:31 發表

I see, thank you for your sharing,
probably will wait to get a D2700 embedded board first.

1 root 1068 S /sbin/init
2 root 0 SW< [kthreadd]
3 root 0 SW< [ksoftirqd/0]
4 root 0 SW< [events/0]
5 root 0 SW< [khelper]
48 root 0 SW< [kblockd/0]
58 root 0 SW< [khubd]
74 root 0 SW [pdflush]
75 root 0 SW [pdflush]
76 root 0 DW< [kswapd0]
77 root 0 SW< [aio/0]
609 root 0 SW< [mtdblockd]
640 root 0 SW< [scsi_eh_0]
641 root 0 SW< [usb-storage]
658 root 1484 S watchdog
784 root 1448 S resetbutton
873 root 1008 S telnetd
894 root 616 S pptpd -c /tmp/pptpd/pptpd.conf -o /tmp/pptpd/options.
897 root 628 S cron
907 root 1140 S ttraff
910 root 744 S dnsmasq --conf-file=/tmp/dnsmasq.conf
922 root 1008 S dropbear -b /tmp/loginprompt -r /tmp/root/.ssh/ssh_ho
924 root 1356 S proftpd: (accepting connections)
1135 root 2464 S httpd -p 80
1652 root 628 S udhcpc -i eth1 -p /var/run/udhcpc.pid -s /tmp/udhcpc
1655 root 0 SW< [kjournald]
1667 root 34456 S amuled -c /mnt/root/.aMule -f
1668 root 34456 S amuled -c /mnt/root/.aMule -f
1669 root 34456 S amuled -c /mnt/root/.aMule -f
1671 root 34456 S amuled -c /mnt/root/.aMule -f
1672 root 8936 S amuleweb --amule-config-file=/mnt/root/.aMule/amule.c
1674 root 34456 S amuled -c /mnt/root/.aMule -f
1687 root 744 S /opt/usr/sbin/p9100d -b -f /dev/usb/lp0 0
1693 root 2484 S N /opt/bin/smbd -s /opt/etc/samba/smb.conf
1700 root 3960 S transmission-daemon -g /mnt/root/.config/transmission
1701 root 3960 S transmission-daemon -g /mnt/root/.config/transmission
1702 root 3960 S transmission-daemon -g /mnt/root/.config/transmission
1703 root 3960 S transmission-daemon -g /mnt/root/.config/transmission
1706 root 1176 S sh sh02.sh
1715 root 40444 S /mnt/opt/usr/bin/mysqld --defaults-file=/etc/my.cnf
1718 root 3640 S lighttpd -f /opt/etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf -m /opt/u
1719 root 7768 S /opt/usr/bin/php-cgi
1720 root 7768 S /opt/usr/bin/php-cgi
1721 root 7768 S /opt/usr/bin/php-cgi
1722 root 7768 S /opt/usr/bin/php-cgi
1730 root 40444 S /mnt/opt/usr/bin/mysqld --defaults-file=/etc/my.cnf
1731 root 40444 S /mnt/opt/usr/bin/mysqld --defaults-file=/etc/my.cnf
1732 root 40444 S /mnt/opt/usr/bin/mysqld --defaults-file=/etc/my.cnf
1733 root 40444 S /mnt/opt/usr/bin/mysqld --defaults-file=/etc/my.cnf
1734 root 40444 S /mnt/opt/usr/bin/mysqld --defaults-file=/etc/my.cnf
1735 root 8104 S /opt/usr/bin/php-cgi
1736 root 7768 S /opt/usr/bin/php-cgi
1737 root 7768 S /opt/usr/bin/php-cgi
1738 root 7840 S /opt/usr/bin/php-cgi
1757 root 40444 S /mnt/opt/usr/bin/mysqld --defaults-file=/etc/my.cnf
1758 root 40444 S /mnt/opt/usr/bin/mysqld --defaults-file=/etc/my.cnf
1759 root 40444 S /mnt/opt/usr/bin/mysqld --defaults-file=/etc/my.cnf
1760 root 40444 S /mnt/opt/usr/bin/mysqld --defaults-file=/etc/my.cnf
1764 root 34456 S amuled -c /mnt/root/.aMule -f
5152 root 40444 S /mnt/opt/usr/bin/mysqld --defaults-file=/etc/my.cnf
5153 root 40444 S /mnt/opt/usr/bin/mysqld --defaults-file=/etc/my.cnf
14717 root 1140 S process_monitor
14721 root 844 S inadyn -u -p  --input_file /tmp/ddns
14856 root 1204 S upnp -D -W eth1
16169 root 1168 S sleep 60
16189 root 1176 S sh -c ps
16190 root 1176 R ps


24hours 都系 1000Mbps wan<->lan??
定系好多時間都系 lan<->lan?

你想知到cpu 的影響, 可以download你隻routeros 落usb thumb, usb boot 試
用部四核試一次, 用部atom 又試一次, lan 卡用返同一張
然後用果個j唔知咩咩java speed tester 測下你就知..
根本最大bottleneck 系storage device...


原帖由 ccw 於 2011-11-21 13:17 發表

24x7 1000Mbit/s NAT and extremely stable as a router, for BT(main throughput), FTP, VPN+MS RDP, Web Host
nat + firewall 絕對 唔應該 同 php, mysql, ftp 等server 同一部機,
當你一路比十幾個人fetching php+mysql, 又比幾條友 幾十MB/s download,
仲要做埋nat + firewall, 唔好計 qos 添, atom 緊系唔夠力la,

我以為你淨系做nat + 少量bt + 幾丁友上網 <~ 咁就一個atom 可以食盡125MB/s
除左Mbps外, I/O number 都好緊要嫁..
唔系咩野做到DDOS~ 大量食哂你D I/O

[ 本帖最後由 jackli 於 2011-11-21 13:44 編輯 ]


原帖由 ccw 於 2011-11-21 13:29 發表
Another stupid question,
I found a card form Intel, Intel 1000 GT, which is a Giga Lan card on PCI,
would PCI's bandwidth enough to run it for 1000Mbps?

And do you know if Intel WiFi Link 6300  a goo ...


原帖由 ccw 於 2011-11-21 13:52 發表

Oh I know why, I wrongly read it as b instead of B.
Then they are all fine.

Now my expected system:
Intel D525 board + Intel 1000 GT + Intel WiFi Link 6300 + Others accessories.
Hopefully ge ...
不過記著 ,..,,.pci 個 133MB/s系好理論... 實際系無133MB/s
唔似pci-e x1 有 150MB/s...


原帖由 ccw 於 2011-11-21 15:56 發表

But it looks I don't have another slot other than Mini-Card for WiFi........cause the desired form factor is ITX.
That means I have to pick a dual port board.

Using USB adapter?
Any sugge ...
你找D寫明十卜linux unix 實無死la


原帖由 ccw 於 2011-11-21 21:52 發表

Probably I will buy a cheap cheap USB WiFI stick, but now I will let my friend get me a Intel Pro1000 CT first probably,
btw, can I use only a dual port Intel Lan card to set the Lan+Wan Port, or I m ...
dual port, pci-e 4x 咪ok lor lor~


原帖由 ccw 於 2011-11-21 22:53 發表

I just don't want to overkill with this router.
If it is to cost > 1200, then I will buy from ASUS.........
pci-x 都ok, 1064 MB/s
pci 都有
133 MB/s (32-bit at 33 MHz)
266 MB/s (32-bit at 66 MHz or 64-bit at 33 MHz)
533 MB/s (64-bit at 66 MHz)


不過我話pci 唔系好足姐


你試左先la, 效果唔好咪買router 囉


如果你手上有料, 就試左先la...
x86 絕對快過 router cpu 比如話:AR9132,BCM4705

當然你用咩os, 點set 都好有關系


cheap cheap wzr-hp-g300nh 都食得哂gigalan la,
一條連線真系食唔哂,, 可能要fine tune
附件: 您所在的用戶組無法下載或查看附件


原帖由 ccw 於 2011-11-21 23:21 發表

I have nothing comparable to Atom,
but on studying I do think Atom won't be the bottleneck, so probably I will get the X86 router as proposed.

While another issue is on the OS,
Router OS costs, and  ...
ddwrt x86 OR PfSense 囉


原帖由 ccw 於 2011-11-21 23:36 發表

Giga lan is fine on my router too, while the question on the WANLan
到你試果陣, 用pci 卡做wan, onboard 做lan