
[硬件] Haswell core major changes

Haswell core major changes

8-port monster
new port 6: ALU, Branch
new port 7: Store Address
new unit in port 0: FMA
new units in port 1: FMA, FP Multiply (it seems no FMAC hardware reusing for FADD and FMUL instructions as AMD did in BD)
packed integer pipelines are extended to 256-bit wide
datapaths to L1D are now widened to 32B.
L1 data caches with no capacity change, transactional memory support

2 moderate vs 1 fat.

[ 本帖最後由 Puff 於 2012-9-12 23:39 編輯 ]


原帖由 qcmadness 於 2012-9-13 01:16 發表
8 port? i don't think intel can keep the die size down...
The die size is relatively small for Lady Ivy - GT2/4C variant measured 170 mm^2, according to Intel.
GT2/4C variants will not grow too much, perhaps somewhere between 200 mm^2 and 220 mm^2. And GT3 will go for ~300 mm^2 I think.

[ 本帖最後由 Puff 於 2012-9-13 20:26 編輯 ]


原帖由 qcmadness 於 2012-9-13 20:53 發表

IVB 4C variant is more than 170mm^2, probably ~190mm^2


原帖由 qcmadness 於 2012-9-15 20:33 發表

But still 6-issue to 8-issue > 10% die size increase
GPU improvement > 15%+ die size increase
I wouldn't say exactly 10% die size increase, but the height of the chip should increase as the cores are larger.
I do my estimation in this way.

[ 本帖最後由 Puff 於 2012-9-15 23:18 編輯 ]


原帖由 qcmadness 於 2012-9-15 23:15 發表

the change in gpu will raise core size by more than 15%
GT2 is with only 20 EUs. 4 more as compared to Ivy
8*20 to 12*20 is already a big jump for the extra 4 EUs and larger cores.