
[業界消息] AMD Hires New Engineers with Apple, QUALCOMM Experience

while some enginners worked on important projects have quited or been fired by AMD after project fin.
there is also a somewhat huge cut in cpu department, though they are re-hiring at the same time.

[ 本帖最後由 Puff 於 2013-1-23 16:59 編輯 ]


原帖由 dom 於 2013-1-23 18:40 發表
They fried those responsible for Epic Faildozer
It doesn't matter at all as fixing it is more important. As AMD had already got a good picture of why BD fails, the final fix should arrive in the 2015 new architecture at best case (if not cancelled). But apparently they do not intend to release their future roadmap soon, and the 2013 Analyst Day has yet been announced. Besides, please be noticed that the people left AMD is not limited to only CPU-side engineers. They also include some of the people worked on other projects e.g. unannounced SoC interconnect. And at the same time AMD is hiring new people.

[ 本帖最後由 Puff 於 2013-1-23 21:56 編輯 ]