[Good] Net loss: $74M, -50% over the previous quarter
[Good] Revenue: $1.16B, +6.4% over the previous quarter
[Good] CPU & APU business: +12% in revenue over the previous quarter
[Bad ] dGPU business: -5% in revenue & decreasing ASP over the previous quarter, higher ASP as compared to FY12
[Good] Cash and Cash Equivalents: $1.1 billion, play safe & far above the bottom line set
conclusion: 隔離台某位兄台既詛咒無效。
GF 筆爛帳 (28nm limited waiver) 未清晒,不過應該得 promissory note。跟往落黎應該要談判 14Q2 及以後既 WSA 啦。
本帖最後由 Puff 於 2013-7-21 22:35 編輯 ]