
[業界消息] Yet another failure after Netbook

Yet another failure after Netbook

It is Ultrabook. Can't agree more judging by the big float of crappy spec, designs and/or sky high price in the past few years. That's said, it is pretty amazing that a OEM can still ruin a machine with a very low power chip in the notebook space.

[ 本帖最後由 Puff 於 2013-10-2 19:58 編輯 ]


原帖由 dom 於 2013-10-3 00:38 發表
其實最大問題係 Windows 8
原本想寫埋 incomplete prototype OS,但係諗諗下,都係出左一年有多咋喎。之前 Windows 7 都已經唔掂。
老實講 Windows 8 最大問題係 UX integration,依家唔三唔四咁,用耐左覺得 Metro 有種可有可無既感覺。再講堆 tiles 好少「用」到,因為係桌面模式下你根本好少會 trigger Start Screen。

[ 本帖最後由 Puff 於 2013-10-3 12:28 編輯 ]