
[硬件] KAVERI 幾時先有消息

soon. 六個月內 :0)
你可以望 Nov 11-13 APU13 多 d 資訊甚至 paper launch 既

[ 本帖最後由 Puff 於 2013-10-9 22:13 編輯 ]


原帖由 fo2live 於 2013-10-9 22:22 發表


thank you
最近 update 係 Q4 Desktop, Q1 Notebook


We remain on track to begin shipping our next generation Kaveri APU for the channel this quarter. And key motherboard partners are already offering new product in anticipation of this launch.


原帖由 dom 於 2013-10-18 22:33 發表
唔係話 2月先launch 咩
notebook 掛。PIB 應該 12 月會賣緊街啦掛... 如果已經 ship 緊。

[ 本帖最後由 Puff 於 2013-10-18 22:52 編輯 ]


http://www.computerbase.de/news/ ... -dezember-erwartet/
Paper launch Dec 13. So they really plan to ship in this quarter only.
Good news is they revamped SR a bit, and KV got trueaudio.

[ 本帖最後由 Puff 於 2013-10-28 08:35 編輯 ]


原帖由 dom 於 2013-10-28 08:35 發表

Feb 2014 launch, mobile first, Apr launch PIB desktop (prioirity to mobile market, Desktop market is lagging in growth , AMD dont care , they want more profit $$$
Hope that we would see 20nm XV before 2H15 arrives.
But I am pretty sure that they would refresh Kaveri once before anything following. Probably in case GF sucks again.

[ 本帖最後由 Puff 於 2013-10-28 08:56 編輯 ]


原帖由 qcmadness 於 2013-10-30 10:16 發表
because I suspect AMD will go 20nm in 2015
Delay several quarters and jump to finfets! </holy crap>

I am a bit skeptical if there is FX successor on 20nm. I suspect still a no, unless Excavator is really evaluated to be competitive with Haswell Xeon counterparts, and can be released in early 15. Otherwise 16 for any non-APU is a safer assumption, as we will arrive the interchange station at that time for a better train.

[ 本帖最後由 Puff 於 2013-10-30 14:49 編輯 ]


原帖由 cheungmanhoi 於 2013-11-1 16:41 發表


In short term, yes & they are pushing APU/GongGongAthlon+dGPU solutions.

In long term, no one knows.


原帖由 cheungmanhoi 於 2013-11-4 10:34 發表

a10 5800k
有無 i5 lv cpu(mobile)
u mean quad-core or dual-core?


原帖由 cheungmanhoi 於 2013-11-6 10:49 發表

有無 i5 desktop版咁勁?
or 35w mobile咁勁
average multi core performance
A10-5800K ~= i3-2100 < i3-3220 <<< i5 << i7

single thread performance
think it yourself

mainstream 2C4T i5 = lower clock i3 in desktop
ultra-expensive 4C8T i7 = lower clock i7 in desktop

for kaveri or any kinds of AMD products in the short term, lowering your expectation is always better. let it surprise you rather than disappoint you. I would say +30% is kind of unrealistic NOT because I am an AMD hater, but 4M4C result shows you that twice the decoders don't benefit significantly at all (but overprovision is needed as this is the price of IPC). Although I didn't account of any other potential architectural changes here, I'm pretty sure that 10% is a safe bottom line. 15% will be appreciated. above 20% will be a surprise.

rumour has it that SteamrollerB has made some changes to make it more "competitive". at design level it seems to be a derivative of a completed rev A (linkedin info). but even we know this (I guess it is probably changes aligned to crappy GF's process change), it doesn't help much as the problem is in the fundamental of this family of architecture, and from fixing it in the HLD level to the final product shipping takes you nearly a half decade.

[ 本帖最後由 Puff 於 2013-11-6 15:29 編輯 ]


原帖由 dom 於 2013-11-6 01:53 發表

更係Quad Core 啦
依家先知 i5 mobile 無 QC


CineBench R15, 1 (for 1C)/2 (for 2C) rendering thread, same bucket of background applications
@ 3.67 Ghz
2M2C: ~153 cb
1M2C: ~131 cb
1M1C: ~76 cb (scaled down from 78 cb @ 3.71-3.84 Ghz)

yield ~70% over 1M1C when having only one more integer core
yield ~16% over 1M2C when having more decoder and FPU resources & L2 caches
yield 100% when everything is doubled

side note:
Thuban K10 1C @ 3.67 Ghz: est. 97
Haswell 1C: 141?

[ 本帖最後由 Puff 於 2013-11-6 17:30 編輯 ]


原帖由 cheungmanhoi 於 2013-11-6 17:27 發表

簡單 d 講可以睇淡依家又傳得好旺 gea 30% IPC boost 啦,然後同 intel 比差一截
要 1M2C 係 cinebench 先打到人地一粒 core... 無 SMT。

擺到明就係 design flaw

[ 本帖最後由 Puff 於 2013-11-6 17:37 編輯 ]


AMD claims Kaveri achieved 31 fps in BF4 at 1080p w/o Mantle, while GT 630 coupled to an Intel 4770K sucks.
4 SR cores, 8 CUs, TrueAudio confirmed, nothing really special at all
Desktop first, mobile next. The prototype machine seems nice anyway.

Just recycled stuff like C++ AMP and Java HSA enablement, and well, finally a real-time demo (this time N-body problem) running on Kaveri 35W chip, illustrating the speed-up of GPU acceleration versus single- and multi-core. Also the vaporware Media SDK is (eventually?) announced for release.

Last but not least, no roadmaps. Maybe we will see those things in the closing keynote.

[ 本帖最後由 Puff 於 2013-11-12 09:42 編輯 ]


原帖由 dom 於 2013-11-12 10:47 發表

Why not chase on Mobile first .......stupid AMD .....Desktop market no longer have large growth and DIY is dying breed......
Looks like AMD is signing their own dead warrant ...
Because you can launch PIBs whenever you want, while mobile release is bounded to OEM schedules. They are releasing machines for the Easter timeframe.

It is reasonable, though it sucks. Many thanks to GIrlFriend.

[ 本帖最後由 Puff 於 2013-11-12 15:10 編輯 ]