
[業界消息] Intel / AMD 2014 Q3 Result

amd: 2 semi-custom deals are secured. one x86 and one ARM. 16 first silicon ships. estimated aggregate 1 billion revenue over 3 yrs (ambiguity: per win or both wins combined??). will update the obsolete x86 server portfolio in the next couple of years.

rumor mill: low expectation on Carrizo's competitiveness, Nolan/Amur will suffer from GF20 & particularly low expectation on Nolan to grasp more profit in LP x86, Maxwell will have an edge of perf/watt throughout 15.

outlook: risk of returning to loss in short term, fair in long term if they can be in business till 2016H2. good news is all their debts are maturing beyond 16

[ 本帖最後由 Puff 於 2014-10-20 13:03 編輯 ]