
[業界消息] AMD 2014 Q4 Report

好耐之前講過 16Q2 前唔洗諗會有業績反彈
最多就 Q1 PPT + Engineering Sample Demo,同埋可能 Q4/Q1 有 GPU 幫補吓
再唔喺就嚟緊 HotChips 曝光吓新架構谷吓股價同期望值咁大把

[ 本帖最後由 Puff 於 2015-1-21 21:32 編輯 ]


原帖由 dom 於 2015-1-21 22:01 發表
"AMD is in a very bad spot, and they need to do radical things if they want to stay in business."
yet all the radical things are all pipelined for a 2016 launch. semi-custom (xbox/ps4 20nm & new design wins, if any) is the only light in the darkness before the dawn comes. Carrizo has less to no hope; GPU has no hope in perf/watt except Fiji; Seattle is just a pilot platform for a new "experimental" market. Ugh, it seems that the 20nm skybridge APU is at high risk to be canned.

[ 本帖最後由 Puff 於 2015-1-21 22:16 編輯 ]