
[電子電玩] Project Scorpio spec出咗

原帖由 qcmadness 於 2017-4-6 23:54 發表
未必唔係Zen-based, 要睇價錢
"two clusters with a total of 4MB of L2 cache"
"To be clear, then: Project Scorpio doesn't feature Ryzen cores, but the Xbox team are not so concerned about this."
Not Zen. But it could get at least Zen's SMU, and less likely being Infinity Fabric based.

[ 本帖最後由 Puff 於 2017-4-7 02:23 編輯 ]


原帖由 qcmadness 於 2017-4-7 09:21 發表

真係Jaguar 14nm既話, 好難做到真4K
冇乜難度 XB1 900p/1080p 已經 60fps
4x pixel 唔等於 4x geometry per pixel (= more cpu work)
食到嘅 geometry budget 喺高咗,但 CPU 快 31%
加埋 temporal checkerboard rendering (PS4)
仲有大把 PC 玩唔到/得 vulkan ext 有嘅嘢可以玩
e.g. gpu driven rendering

喺 multiplayer 就炆水啲...

當然如果你要 "完美原生4K"
連 near perfect reconstruction 都唔接受嘅話

[ 本帖最後由 Puff 於 2017-4-7 17:43 編輯 ]


原帖由 Tommi_Vercetti 於 2017-4-7 17:43 發表

最key係佢哋喺API同埋底層上做埋手腳去谷4K,當然3rd party用唔用得著就後話
我睇最關鍵嘅都喺 temporal checkerboard rendering 或者五花百門推陳出新嘅蛇王大法
保住 fx & IQ 之餘 pixel shader 慳水慳力
然後等到 PC 十卜就 port 去 PC

[ 本帖最後由 Puff 於 2017-4-7 17:53 編輯 ]


原帖由 Tommi_Vercetti 於 2017-4-7 22:07 發表

PS嗰邊玩到出神入化,真4K點對點Game唔多,唔知XBox嗰邊Polaris 10改多咗嘅嘢會唔會好啲
多嗰 40-50% shader power
"點對點"大作冇望㗎喇 慳一半水拎嚟玩其他嘢又唔跌IQ

[ 本帖最後由 Puff 於 2017-4-7 22:37 編輯 ]


原帖由 kevinyuri 於 2017-4-8 21:52 發表
其實個dx12 command processor有咩用
Run the graphics queue, and manage the whole graphics pipeline state machine. Basically the same thing in D3D11, with low-level control.

It is nothing special wrt usual GCN gpus. The GCN front-end in reality is a bunch of micro controllers plus AMD signed reprogrammable firmware. Perhaps MS made some extensions, perhaps not.
[UPDATE 7/4/17 20:44: Microsoft's Andrew Goossen has been in touch to clarify that D3D12 support at the hardware level is actually a part of the existing Xbox One and Xbox One S too. "Scorpio builds on the Command Processor capability present in the original Xbox One," we're told. "Our implementation of D3D12 supports all Xbox Ones, and games have already shipped that use it. When a game using D3D12 starts up, we reprogram the GPU's Command Processor front-end. The 50 per cent CPU rendering overhead improvement was reported by shipping games. The amount of win is dependent on the game engine and content, and not all games will see that size of improvement. Scorpio's Command Processor provides additional capability and programmability beyond what Xbox One/Xbox One S can do. We plan to take advantage of this in the future."]
[ 本帖最後由 Puff 於 2017-4-8 22:36 編輯 ]