
[硬件] ssd係咪好似普通hd咁format就得?

原帖由 T12 於 2010-12-19 23:22 發表
Don't full format,
and it is better to use secure erase than format(the main difference is on the performance restoration, for format, it take some days for log off idle while secure erase doesn't)
anyway, if they are inconvenient to you,
simply do a fast format and leave you computer at a log off idle mode over night for a few days(not continuously, do that when you sleep)


原帖由 pk1667 於 2010-12-20 09:22 發表
吓! 原來唔好用正常 format 架! 我番裝 windows 果陣成日都 delete partation 喎, 咁有無影響架!
It doesn't matter at all, just the performance maybe lowered for a short period(not permanent). They are gained back by Garbage Collection(Trim). Secure erase is a full disk wipe for Sandforce powered SSDs.
I have formatted my SSD for ten times these week for installation of OS.........

[ 本帖最後由 ccw 於 2010-12-20 10:34 編輯 ]