--有ARK FILTER.......但係選用ARK FILTER 時,個MON VIEW 好LAG <-- True as the camera has to process the effect, just like applying filter in PS takes time. Can be alleviated by some setting in the camera.
--好似對焦比NEX5 快DD
(EPL2有冇? 定係好似以前禁, 要自己一張一張影, 仲要自己度好正確位置先禁,唔係就重疊/GAMEOVER?)<-- E-PL2 don't have this function, you will have to match it on your own and stitch on computer.
--佢個FLASH 外置式....
--高ISO 好似都唔錯<-Nex 5 has a better high ISO performance over E-PL2, and probably over all 4/3s M4/3s except GH2.
NEX3 好似係差唔多? 除左影片功能+冇左個個咩REMOTE 制(要比錢?) 外...<--Not sure, please check it yourself for the main difference.