
[硬件] 聯力機箱個USB3.0 ~ 問問

Would you mind helping me check how much it would cost if I am ordering Lian Li PC-9F from A?
It is available at $950 from price.com.hk but I want to see if A has a better offer,
and would you suggest this chassis, or you have a better option for ~1k?

Thank you.


原帖由 469394 於 2011-5-28 18:16 發表

A-shop 好似有現貨 & 賣價好似係 $900, 不過你都係 PM 問下 a sir 先 la
Not yet decided for that.


Btw, if you are to choose between PC-9F and PC-Z60, which one do you prefer?
And do you think it is worthwhile to spend an extra of 1000 on z60?

And how about B25S?

[ 本帖最後由 ccw 於 2011-5-28 23:53 編輯 ]