
[硬件] Sanyo Eneloop 充電電池推出新版本(加映無線充電盒)

Sanyo Eneloop 充電電池推出新版本(加映無線充電盒)

三洋 "eneloop" 充電電池新推出兩種版本,"Pro" 版本標榜容量更大,適合閃光燈等耗電量大的場合,SANYO 新聞稿表示與稍早發表的 "XX" 版本是一樣的,容量最少為 2400mAh,號稱比一般版本的電池 1900mAh 高出 25%,預計今年七月二十一日在日本上市。

"Plus" 版本則標榜安全、低溫,適合小孩玩具等使用情境,在電池內加上熱敏電阻(PTC Thermistors),避免不當的使用造成電池溫度升高,預計今年十二月一日在日本上市。

同時公布的還有先前只聞樓梯響的 "Qi" 無線充電器,預計在七月二十一日上市的無線電池充電攜帶盒 N-WL01S-W/-K(白色及黑色),可以同時放入兩顆三號或四號電池,搭配的 Panasonic Qi 無線充電盤 QE-TM101-W/-K(白色及黑色)則預計在六月二十四日上市。

http://chinese.engadget.com/2011 ... pro-for-more-power/


原帖由 bebird 於 2011-6-16 16:13 發表
off topic...
1) which charger and battery is good?
2) where can i buy in cheaper price? SSP?
1) This varies, there are many charger that claiming themselves able to extend the battery service and shelf life while I am not sure; for batteries Sanyo Eneloop will be a good choice for most purpose.
2) SSP obviously

[ 本帖最後由 ccw 於 2011-6-16 20:28 編輯 ]


原帖由 bebird 於 2011-6-16 17:42 發表

for eneloop battery, better use Sanyo charger?
I don't think this is a must but there should at least a guarantee of compatibility.
Just avoid buying those very fast(<1 hour) charger, they will set the batteries to a very high tempature and shortening their shelf life.
You may consider buying a Sanyo charger+batteries pack, there are two versions,
a typical charger that takes 1x hours to fully charge the batteries or a fast charger that take only two hours.
You may consider upon your need.