
[硬件] Ivy Bridge Info Thread(Updated#2 30-11-2011, @#122)

Ivy Bridge Info Thread(Updated#2 30-11-2011, @#122)

Ivy's first bench, [email protected], in TW.

http://www.chiphell.com/forum-vi ... rby%3Ddateline.html

Ivy's second bench, [email protected], in China


三代i3比拼:22nm Ivy Bridge详细评测


Intel Ivy Bridge Corescn 首测
自从上个月12日Corescn第一次爆光Ivy Bridge以来将近一个月了!今天终于有机会完成部分测试给大家参考一下Ivy 的实际性能。因为目前拿到的Ivy 基本都为早期版本或多或少都存在一些Bug。就像前段时间各大媒体测试AMD Bulldozer 成绩也不是很理想,所以Corescn 给大家带来的测试就当做了解新品!
1.       首先给大家来介绍一下今天要测试的Ivy Bridge 基本信息,Corescn 拿到的2颗Ivy ES版CPU 分别为 QAX2 ,QAX3
QAX2 主频1.8G,4核8线程,L3最大8M,最大倍频18最小倍频13,外频同SNB相同为100MHz ,内存Controller Frequency 达到1600. 不支援Turbo Boost

QAX3 主频1.8G,2核4线程,L3最大4M,最大倍频18最小倍频13,外频同SNB相同为100MHz ,内存Controller Frequency 达到1600. 不支援Turbo Boost

按照惯例也顺便找了一颗SNB I5 做对比测试。因资源有限,就随意选择的I5 2320 做参考。
CPU 信息参考如下

2 测试部分
文件压缩测试——7-Zip 9.23
7-Zip压缩测试 数值越大越好

7-Zip解压缩测试 数值越大越好

2 .专业渲染测试——CINEBENCH R11.5

3.算术性能测试——Super Pi

4.异构计算测试—HC Benchmark

总结:从测试成绩来看主频只有1.8G的Ivy表现还是不错的。没记错的话目前网络上Bulldozer 8core 样品Super Pi成绩和解压成绩都要逊色。虽然和现在主流产品SNB测试成绩有差距,但是我们可看看i5 2320拥有3G的主频.在以上测试软件上对于主频的要求还是比较高的!所以相信在后续高主频版的Ivy定会有不错的成绩!


Ivy Bridge确定明年四月发布 赛扬要没了

Intel 22nm Ivy Bridge原计划在2012年年初发布,但因为PC市场需求疲软的缘故(也有说是生产工艺问题)推迟到3-4月份,且早已被官方路线图证实。现在,更确切的发布规划来了。

据了解,Ivy Bridge将于2012年4月的某一天开始发布,但不像Sandy Bridge那样整个家族集体登场,首批只会有桌面版的Core i7/i5和移动版的Core i7,也就是仅仅是中高端部分。当然,配套的7系列芯片组和主板也会开始同步登场,但不知道会不会一次性出齐。

等到第二季度晚些时候,第二波来临,包括桌面和移动版的Core i5/i3系列,面向主流市场。


这么看来第四季度就是Celeron赛扬了,那你就错了,至少按照现在的规划,Ivy Bridge家族不会出现新的赛扬型号,无论桌面上还是笔记本上都不会,均将停留在Sandy Bridge时代。当然了,也不排除随着形势的变化Intel又改主意的可能性,但从目前看来,赛扬可能真的要休息了。


[ 本帖最後由 ccw 於 2011-11-30 15:14 編輯 ]
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原帖由 qcmadness 於 2011-7-6 01:04 發表

INT or FP or SIMD or AVX?
I am not sure, just a rumor from the web and a guess based on the bench.


原帖由 qcmadness 於 2011-7-6 01:26 發表

Somewhat I want to predict how much I will lose for buying a Sandy in Sep, and if it is worthwhile to further suspend the plan, through quite impossible.


原帖由 qcmadness 於 2011-7-6 01:40 發表

it depends on usage

if you need multi-thread performance, SB-E, BD, will be better than IVB
Yes, but another question is I want to utilize ECC memory at the same time, I am not sure if SB-EP is still that avoidable to me.
And I am not sure about building an Opteron system, I cannot see a single CPU mainboard with G34 socket.


原帖由 qcmadness 於 2011-7-6 01:55 發表

Socket G34 is for 2-4 socket systems
It looks the upcoming bulldozer Opteron uses only Socket G34,
so it maybe hard to take BD as a choice.


原帖由 qcmadness 於 2011-7-6 09:19 發表

C32 also, but nearly the same infrastructure with Socket AM3+
And C32 is optimized for performance/power but not max performance
Thanks for telling, I may take a look on the feasibility on building with those parts later.


原帖由 qcmadness 於 2011-7-6 10:26 發表

If you want a workstation, SB-E is your only choice
Not really a workstation, but a stable machine with satisfactory performance lasting for around 4 years within budget.
Therefore Xeon E3 should be a right choice for me, I simply thinking that if there can be more options.


原帖由 qcmadness 於 2011-7-6 10:42 發表

then you don't need ecc
You are correct with this,
I don't really need ECC but in case it is within budget, it is preferred.
I can accept the performance of SB Xeon and think that it would serve me well in a few years, so you may say that I can choose between
Xeon E3 + ECC or SB-E/BD w/o ECC.
If the SB-E workstation platform is much more expensive, I will go for SB Xeon......while I need more performance information to make that decision.


原帖由 qcmadness 於 2011-7-6 11:04 發表

SB-E will be of ~3GHz range with 6c12t
That would no doubt be bringing a performance boost with 2C4T more, and also the quad channel memory will favor the editing in Photoshop, that is quite critical to me.
But the point is still on the budget, and for more performance, I prefer an stability enhancement with ECC memory. Still hard to make the decision without price and performance data of SB-E and BD......


原帖由 qcmadness 於 2011-7-6 11:18 發表

ECC is useless for your intended usage...
Yes, so I always say that it is possible I get a BD/SB-E instead of Xeon E3, and here I prefer Xeon over i7 just because I don't need to OC and ECC memory is not putting an extra to system cost.

While actually time is also critical for me, I don't want to spend too much time waiting.
Probably I will choose between BD and SB in Sep,
Now SB-E is delayed to next year, very unlikely I will wait for it unless before I have taken action there is an extraordinary bench from SB-E.


updated, see #4




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