
[硬件] A new choice for SF-2281 SSDs

A new choice for SF-2281 SSDs

I would pick Kingston's HyperX, looks nice and performed well in tests:

http://www.anandtech.com/show/46 ... ght-ssds-compared/6


And here,
maybe some hints for the failure of many SF-2281 SSDs,
http://www.anandtech.com/show/46 ... ght-ssds-compared/2

"A few weeks ago I was finally able to reproduce the SF-2281 BSOD bug in house. In working on some new benchmarks for our CPU Bench database I built an updated testbed using OCZ's Agility 3. All of the existing benchmarks in CPU Bench use a first generation Intel X25-M and I felt like now was a good time to update that hardware. My CPU testbeds need to be stable given their importance in my life so if I find a particular hardware combination that works, I tend to stick to it. I've been using Intel's DH67BL motherboard for this particular testbed since I'm not doing any overclocking - just stock Sandy Bridge numbers using Intel's HD 3000 GPU. The platform worked perfectly and it has been crash free for weeks.

A slew of tablet announcements pulled me away from CPUs for a bit, but I wanted to get more testing done while I worked on other things. With my eye off the ball I accidentally continued CPU testing using an ASUS P8Z68-V Pro instead of my Intel board. All of the sudden I couldn't complete a handful of my benchmarks. I never did see a blue screen but I'd get hard locks that required a power cycle/reset to fix. It didn't take me long to realize that I had been testing on the wrong board, but it also hit me that I may have finally reproduced the infamous SandForce BSOD issue. The recent Apple announcements once more kept me away from my CPU/SSD work but with a way to reproduce the issue I vowed to return to the faulty testbed when my schedule allowed."


原帖由 qcmadness 於 2011-8-14 11:40 發表
i will choose ocz
I am not sure if OCZ has improved now, but from the bench Kingston killed all its opponents and it is cheaper


原帖由 dom 於 2011-8-14 13:06 發表
I trust Kingston > OCZ
早幾日係展昇見到已經有d 心動想買比小鏡號 R2 用
Go go go!