
[硬件] X86 router NAT performance w/ Atom board? The ANS is NO.

X86 router NAT performance w/ Atom board? The ANS is NO.

Actually, to what extent can an Atom board(D525) router offers?
In terms of NAT performance(main concern), can it reach 1000Mbit/s?

Besides getting a readily available router, software router maybe considered if its performance is high enough.
On viewing some advertisement, Atom board router can handle up to 550Mbit/s NAT, is it all it can give?
And I must need a like a G620T for the desired router?

Or another solution, direct connect to server and set the router inside it?
Any suggestion are welcome.

[ 本帖最後由 ccw 於 2011-12-1 09:25 編輯 ]


原帖由 jackli 於 2011-11-20 20:48 發表

睇你咩com chip..
x86 絕對夠 handle 125MB/s 的,
睇你咩com chip 同os

cc this:
http://tw.network01.net/modules/ ... _id=237&forum=6
Thanks for the info,
but in that sharing, the max NAT is around 250 Mbps,
Do you know if Atom D525 can handle BB1000 without losing much bandwidth?

D525's tdp is around 13W, it looks getting a G630T (TDP 35W) has no great difference from it.

[ 本帖最後由 ccw 於 2011-11-20 20:54 編輯 ]


Just found this,
J&W Minix ITX C7M1026 motherboard

http://news.softpedia.com/news/I ... arance-215645.shtml

Looks a good board for Router, reading reviews.

Would those Realtek Lan cards an obstacle to performance?

[ 本帖最後由 ccw 於 2011-11-20 21:03 編輯 ]


原帖由 qcmadness 於 2011-11-20 21:06 發表
atom d525 can handle dual gb wan
Thank you for your promising ans,

But now D2700 looks more handsome
http://www.netbooklive.com/intel ... -comparisons-12025/


原帖由 jackli 於 2011-11-20 21:15 發表

你有冇試過玩atom, 玩raid or ssd 對抄? 125MB/s 絕對唔系問題...
買張貴DUAL LAN PCI-E x 8  EVEN x16 包你做到,
當然, 到時你一定要行raid OR RAMDISK, 125MB/s 平均速度trad harddisk做唔到test OR 實際用 ...
Not really, I had a very poor impression after touching them once(N270 at the moment).
I don't need any harddisk on it, I will use USB Flash Drive to install OS, it will be a router only.

買張貴DUAL LAN PCI-E x 8  EVEN x16 包你做到,
Is this a must?
Or I can do this with Realtek onboard lan?

[ 本帖最後由 ccw 於 2011-11-20 21:19 編輯 ]


原帖由 jackli 於 2011-11-20 21:27 發表
用MikroTik routeros + x86 + pciex4 包你實快
其實p4 都做到, 不過佢個pci慢, pci-x 又先剛剛夠.,.,,.

未有pcie  south bridge 依家咁快
I see, thank you for your sharing,
probably will wait to get a D2700 embedded board first.


原帖由 jackli 於 2011-11-20 21:37 發表


1 root 1068 S /sbin/init
2 root 0 SW< [kthreadd]
3 root 0 SW< [ksoftirqd/0]
4 root 0 SW< [events/0]
5 root 0 SW< [khelper]
I am using the same, but it seems it is too slow for BB1000

[ 本帖最後由 ccw 於 2011-11-20 21:45 編輯 ]


原帖由 qcmadness 於 2011-11-20 21:45 發表

d2700 will need a properly threaded OS to beat e-350
D2700 w/o HT < E-350?


原帖由 qcmadness 於 2011-11-20 22:41 發表

The Cinebench one
I see, but still in most apps D2700 is leading to some extent.


原帖由 qcmadness 於 2011-11-20 22:52 發表

Same architecture, a little bit freq increase can overcome 30%+ single thread performance?
Despite this fact, reviews are not quite consistent.
Maybe more reviews have to be concerned.


Besides, does the lan controller matter?
Will an Intel controller make a difference, or better to say, will a dual lan realtek based board turn out to be the bottleneck itself?

Another question, the bandwidth of PCI-E 2.0 x1 looks not enough for 1GB Lan card, is it the story?
Thanks in advance.

PS: If D525 is good enough, I will save 300 from getting E-350.

[ 本帖最後由 ccw 於 2011-11-21 00:41 編輯 ]


原帖由 qcmadness 於 2011-11-21 01:10 發表

not much

all lan controller can do 900Mbps
As viewing from Newegg, someone said that when their server CPU is high(~90%), the throughtput speed dropped from 75MB/s to 20MB/s using onboard,
but a drop of 75MB/s to 70MB/s is observed after using Intel 1000 CT.

Another point is that, on my notebook which is using a Broadcom Lan controller and Intel T6500,
the CPU utilization goes up to 40%(constantly) when transferring files between notebook and server.
Is this case different from what a router works? Or the high utilization is actually due to storage's I/O, and router won't suffer from the same?


原帖由 jackli 於 2011-11-21 11:04 發表
24hours 都系 1000Mbps wanlan??
定系好多時間都系 lanlan?

你想知到cpu 的影響, 可以download你隻routeros 落usb thumb, usb boot 試
用部四核試一次, 用部atom 又試一次, lan 卡用返同一張
然後 ...
24x7 1000Mbit/s NAT and extremely stable as a router;
For BT(main throughput), FTP, VPN+MS RDP, Web Host<-- all these are done by server.
, so I need to know the capability for margin.

Per your experience, it looks unsuitable for me to refer to file transfer speed and CPU utilization.
Still getting more information for the NAT,
btw, any channel for Cr@cked RouterOS, or license must be bought?

[ 本帖最後由 ccw 於 2011-11-21 13:50 編輯 ]


Another stupid question,
I found a card form Intel, Intel 1000 GT, which is a Giga Lan card on PCI,
would PCI's bandwidth enough to run it for 1000Mbps?

And do you know if Intel WiFi Link 6300  a good option for WiFi?

[ 本帖最後由 ccw 於 2011-11-21 13:31 編輯 ]


原帖由 jackli 於 2011-11-21 13:33 發表

nat + firewall 絕對 唔應該 同 php, mysql, ftp 等server 同一部機,
當你一路比十幾個人fetching php+mysql, 又比幾條友 幾十MB/s download,
仲要做埋nat + firewall, 唔好計 qos 添, atom 緊系唔夠力la,

我以為 ...
No, sorry that I may have misled you,
I have a server for all other function,

the concerning X86 router serves only as a router.