
[硬件] 8GB RAM 頂唔頂倒三年?

原帖由 BeleBala 於 2012-8-27 20:26 發表
getting a macbook pro retina...
其實我淨係想買 HKU offer $14690 果部
因為 2.3GHz 同 2.6GHz 相差不大

但有人叫我買貴 d 果部 512GB SSD, 都係 8GB...$19090 相差 $4400...
話因為 SSD 有壽命, 大 d 會襟用 d.. ...
8GB正常用一定得,唔係特別用得多食RAM software,我覺得5年後都夠用。

btw, OCZ Vertex V2 60G我狂操左近兩年完全冇老化跡象,唔好信人講SSD易壞。

[ 本帖最後由 ccw 於 2012-8-27 20:48 編輯 ]


原帖由 BeleBala 於 2012-8-27 22:19 發表
-_________- any more help? --
It seems 8GB is adequate for both programs after some searches:
http://rwillustrator.blogspot.hk ... t-what-does-it.html
.....but for Illustrator someone has mentioned a thirst for ram, which is a bug......you may have to look it up yourself in case you come across that.

Still I can't tell the real world situation, you'd better ask your c-hing for advice; that will be more accurate for you are supposed to be doing something similar as they did.

[ 本帖最後由 ccw 於 2012-8-27 22:29 編輯 ]


原帖由 BeleBala 於 2012-8-27 22:58 發表
Anyway I think the cheaper model will be good enough...
I am just looking at it at a economical way...

does the $4400 buy another one to two years of life? --
Imho, it doesn't worth at all and won't buy you even an extra month.....for it simply offers a bigger SSD and a 10% faster CPU.


原帖由 BeleBala 於 2012-8-27 23:22 發表

yeah -_-

I told him and he let me decide :D
going for the $14690 one :D