
[Android App]displaying the last reply time and member on app

[Android App]displaying the last reply time and member on app

Sometimes it is hard to judge if there is an update to a thread by reading the number of replies, it would be nice if the last replying member and time can be displayed below the thread title.

Thank you for your kind attention.

[ 本帖最後由 ccw 於 2013-11-11 18:47 編輯 ]


原帖由 qcmadness 於 2013-11-12 10:35 發表
It would be too crowded in smartphone screen.
In this way I suggest dropping the "Starting member name", replace it by the "last reply member name".


原帖由 qcmadness 於 2013-11-12 10:37 發表

um... don't think the last reply member name is more important

While I do think the most updated information is more preferred,
"who started the thread" can be found anytime by viewing the OP.......it's more useful to know if we know who has replied to the thread.


原帖由 qcmadness 於 2013-11-12 10:57 發表
um... i would like to collect more info from others
Sure, this is simply my suggestion,
we should always see if there is anyone concurring

Thanks for considering anyway.