
[軟件] 奇怪BT問题Solved

Upon my latest test,

the upload speed is less likely to drop when there is only one seed uploading, even at a high speed,

the upload speed dropped obviously when a lot of seed are uploading, even the speed is not that high.


Originally posted by hungjoyee at 2010-7-14 16:49:


不過有無試過其他BT 軟件 ?
I tried another BT client called BitSpirit, downloading the same file with utorrent,
if only one file is being downloaded at the same time in each client,
NO speed drop is found.

But if I switch on other jobs in utorrent, speed drop occurs.
I cannot try to move the other jobs in utorrent to BitSpirit as BitSpirit is not a recognized client by the Private Tracker.

I think in the later time I will need to do a more detailed test with non-PT files.


Some clues showing that it is more likely a software issue:




The red line represent UL rate while yellow represent DL rate.
The concern here is UL rate only.
Both utorrent and Bitspirit are opened.
Utorrent is doing 9 jobs while Bitspirit is doing one job(one of the seeding work same in utorrent, not from the PT)

The flow does not drop to zero as BitSpirit could still upload when utorrent dropped.


Originally posted by hungjoyee at 2010-7-14 20:12:


你試下用A字頭用JAVA 寫個隻 因為UTORRENT 有外國開始BAN 佢 因為佢個UHT 問題
I see, I will try more clients later.
A problem make me stay at utorrent is that it is the best allowed in the PT


Luckily Azureus is newly added to the allowed list, I will try this, thank you for your suggestion.


Just tried the Vuze - the client written in Java........
I don\'t know why my system crush with it.
First, the download speed drop to zero after a few seconds it started,
I cannot stop any of the jobs, the jobs show "Stopping" endlessly.
Finally, I can\'t even close it, even I terminate it in task manager, it does not work.

Maybe I need another substitute.


Originally posted by hungjoyee at 2010-7-14 22:44:

Vuze <-依隻唔多掂 A字頭果隻OK 但資源食得勁
Vuze =/= Azureus?

Or it is another Axxx client?


Originally posted by hungjoyee at 2010-7-15 10:05:

改咗名 我唔知
佢衰在要JAVA RUNTIME 而且有時候要用最新Version  OR 舊VERSION 先無事
Maybe I try to update my Java first, thank you so much for your advice.


It seems I have got the key.........
The ram cache.

After having some discussions with guys in utorrent forum, they suggested
disabling the functions of utorrent to see if they affect.

After tweaking the network part I had no luck at all, I try to switch off the reading cache for uploading.............and the drop seems disappeared(still need some days to confirm)
While I do think that it is quite reasonable, if the upload read from cache while the data of the cache is not updated in time, especially for high speed uploading/many upload tasks, even 1GB of ram cache would be very inadequate............and if the program itself is unable to mange, upload maybe disturbed.
Just my guess but I do hope this annoying thing has really gone.

Thank you for your kind attention.


Originally posted by hungjoyee at 2010-7-20 01:33:

disable 咗 個ram cache
你個hd reading 我怕你隻hd 打柴喎



Finally, I figured out the key.
The reading cache can still be applied..........just uncheck these boxes in blue:

The moderator in utorrent forum also suggested that the second box in the window above(Reduce memory usage...) should be unchecked as it reduced TOO much memory.

[ Last edited by ccw on 2010-7-22 at 18:48 ]