
[硬件] 大家問心一句 , 以現時電腦硬件效能, 應該要幾快先叫做 "夠用" ?

自己認為 : PII x6, VGA 5850, 8GB Ram or more, 5 TB harddisk. Yes.
I am not kidding.

For HD Video Playback and raising animals.


原帖由 bebird 於 2010-7-28 16:18 發表

what kind of animals need PII X6 + 8GB Ram?
BT(1.5 GB ram cache) + emule + Perfect Dark,
170% utilization of BB100, 24/7......at the same time, High quality HD video playback is not affected.
For ram, maybe 2GB will be used as ram disk, virtual machine will be adopted.

Maybe PII x6 is a bit overkilling, a x4 may be also fine.

[ 本帖最後由 ccw 於 2010-7-28 21:22 編輯 ]


原帖由 Godgundam 於 2010-7-28 23:04 發表

Perfect Dark 難吾難用?
not really difficult, just set it correctly at the beginning,
then use it just like foxy.

only issue is that it will takes at least 20GB, its rule.