
[硬件] X86 router NAT performance w/ Atom board? The ANS is NO.

原帖由 lctang 於 2011-11-22 01:23 發表

最好cat6 短短地5E 都OK既
cat6 好硬

should be

any pc / device (wired) \
                                      +switch >> Proposed PC Router >> BB1000
any wifi >> ap(router)  /

dont use ap(r ...
Using 10M Cat6
Notebook >> 10M Cat6 >> :0) Router >> 10M Cat6 >> Server,
Throughput > 110MB/s
One of them is flat cable, very soft

For dedicated switch, I do prefer getting one where possible.


Suddenly find that G440 can be a choice:
http://hi.baidu.com/tyc6982/blog ... 84cf4b4ec226eb.html

Any idea?
Foxconn H61 =$400
G440 = $319, looks a possible choice over Atom and E-350.
Does router consider Single Threaded performance or Multi Threaded?

[ 本帖最後由 ccw 於 2011-11-22 13:34 編輯 ]


原帖由 qcmadness 於 2011-11-22 18:59 發表

G440 is a different league of performance and power consumption
I understand, and I concern even more in heat dissipation;
Atom needs no active cooling.


原帖由 qcmadness 於 2011-11-22 19:51 發表

咁你只可以揀atom / e-xxx
The problem is Atom's availability is too low and new CPU has yet to hit the market,
E-350 is possible, but a bit too expensive;
on the same level G440 system is more attractive, in which H61+G440 =~$72x.
And what do you think about the below graphs?

G440 doesn't consume much more.

[ 本帖最後由 ccw 於 2011-11-22 21:10 編輯 ]


原帖由 qcmadness 於 2011-11-22 21:12 發表
http://www.xbitlabs.com/articles ... 0-g440_7.html#sect0

from previous article:
http://www.xbitlabs.com/articles ... 2100t_11.html#sect0

What a shame x-bit labs ...
Despite the fact E-350 does have the best energy control,
G440 isn't stills looks comparable.

7W vs 15W Idle.
(23-7)?W vs 21W Full Load

Idle consumption actually doesn't really need to be concerned, as the router will not stay claim for in most of the time as of a Desktop; there will always be loading.
Taking performance also in the consideration, do you think G440 worths a try?

[ 本帖最後由 ccw 於 2011-11-22 21:33 編輯 ]


原帖由 qcmadness 於 2011-11-22 21:32 發表

you won't need to extra performance in pc router
Yes, that's why I considered D525 as the best solution available for it being $5xx.......sadly I can only find a D525 from J&W which is a Micro-ATX;
I target Mini-ITX.
And D2700 was announced in Sep, it looks I should wait for a little time to see if new boards can be an option.
Hard to understand why till now I can't see any new Atom board.......


原帖由 qcmadness 於 2011-11-22 21:48 發表


d2700 is not compelling...
Sigh, damn it, another available D525 board from Intel has only a PCI slot, how stupid.
E-350 will take me $200, which set my targeted budget of $1300 quite impossible.

Currently I ordered an Intel Pro1000 CT in US for $240, may the RAM cost $160, Case+PSU can be obtained for another $300, I have harddisk or I may use spare USB flash drive, $100 is reserved for an USB WiFi adapter, all mentioned totaled $800.
I still have around $500 for the CPU+Board.
Maybe I have to search also in 2nd hand market for one.


原帖由 lctang 於 2011-11-22 22:06 發表
Sorry but don't want to risk the MB+CPU on Taobao,
btw, as my card will not arrive till Mid-Dec, so I will be waiting for some time.

Currently will try to use a switch to get 2 ip from HKBN first, if that succeeds, actually I don't really need a router



原帖由 lctang 於 2011-11-22 22:29 發表
我同bluesky 塊E350 750人仔
Thank you for your suggestion, while
750人仔 completely out of budget


原帖由 jackli 於 2011-11-22 23:43 發表

x86 好抽得嫁  
I am always skeptical towards everything I am going to spend on;
I am not that rich such that I must take great care on every purchase.


原帖由 jackli 於 2011-11-23 09:24 發表
同埋都無friend 有la,

Thank you for your effort in all those explanation, it has been very valuable and details references
And if 94Mbps throughput takes only a few % of CPU utilization, it looks I don't need to worry for a ten times loading.


Shit, I can get >1 ip from HKBN BB1000 modem
X86 router postponed


原帖由 jackli 於 2011-11-24 00:06 發表

Trying to see if that is the case,
currently trying 3 connections,
Server, Notebook and router.
It looks the router cannot get the IP address, I have to check if that is a router's issue or IP No. limit.


Sadly the router cannot obtain any ip..........
And passing through the switch the maximum throughput drops to 600Mbits,
without the AP switch it can reach 900Mbits.

So router will still be constructed, soon or later.