
[相機攝影] need some urgent help

NEX 3 or 5 if you are going to buy aftermarket lens, BOTH KIT LENS REALLY F___ing SUCKS

<- E-PL1 User Here, What are you going to ask?
"All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others."


Originally posted by sniperX at 2010-6-26 09:27:

4) Canon 550D+ 15-85 IS USM, HD movie and good lens.
DSLR is so f---ing big....
"All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others."


Originally posted by Richteralan at 2010-6-26 11:43:

funny you would think NEX lens will be small?
in fact 18-55 is not so big on hand compared to my 14-42, as well as better performance than E-PL1, and....the screen can flippping up/down

but stupid flash and low PQ kit lens

(I had a NEX-3 on hand)

[ Last edited by BlackBird on 2010-6-26 at 17:49 ]
"All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others."


Originally posted by sniperX at 2010-6-26 10:43:

But DSLR is so f---ing power and funny.
only for the APS-C or bigger sensor
"All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others."


Originally posted by PaTT at 2010-6-26 16:37:

now i got AF-S 17-35/2.8, 35-70/2.8, micro 105/2.8
full frame would be perfect

but i am buying it for traveling, so EPL1 might be a better choice?
要預左GF1無防震, 絕對誤導人的Mon, E-PL1造工同手感比較差
"All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others."