HKSpot » 電子玩物
原帖由 jackli 於 2012-11-7 16:01 發表 大把app 播片LA, avplayer, air player mkv 又得rmvb 又得 itunes 裝app 緊系煩LA, 佢又跟機又要同步 (要改itunes database 個id 先會方便) icloud 唔會記得你買左咩apps 的.. ...
原帖由 micmicll 於 2012-11-7 16:30 發表 He cloud button means you have purchased the app and its stored in the cloud. Don't think this is Google play store. Its a different system.
原帖由 potato 於 2012-11-7 16:47 發表 有雲你當係買左有得再dl返 你想整果堆買左apps既list去itunes搞 有得hide/睇哂買過d咩apps
原帖由 jackli 於 2012-11-7 17:12 發表 其實依家可以wifi sync itunes....
原帖由 potato 於 2012-11-7 17:16 發表 no apps就咁dl返就得 想hide左d冇用apps係電腦登入apple網/itunes搞就得 太多apps既話要load好耐