HKSpot » 電子玩物
原帖由 XT 於 2014-2-2 17:52 發表 新 firmware 好難改 你係厚定薄版?
原帖由 Aware 於 2014-2-2 18:03 發表 冇記錯得3.XX改得,但係新game通常要4以上
原帖由 ccw 於 2014-2-3 01:34 發表 Actually it's quite cheap if you can find the 2nd hand discs, there are plenty of them in SSP, MK and Wan Chai.
原帖由 ccw 於 2014-2-3 10:22 發表 Only for well done game like GTA 5 which is a steal paying just 60 CAD for it. While for some other games with unknown quality, I would rather get a 2nd hand to try it out. The good thing with Steam ...