
[電子電玩] 死人 EA ......唔記得左個舊 screen name 之嘛唔鬼比我 link 翻去個 account 度

死人 EA ......唔記得左個舊 screen name 之嘛唔鬼比我 link 翻去個 account 度

登記 SimCity 4 + Rush Hour 用個一個 E-Mail Account 間 Free Mail hosting 摺左
囉唔翻封 登記 screen name 既 E-Mail

好聲好氣問 EA Support 話明 已經有 原裝 Media + 原碟跟既 CD Key 做 proof
話唔可以咁 link 話個CD Key 已經登記左 唔可以再登記

我都話左 我係原登記人囉
天然系長髮眼鏡娘 最高
Lucky Star 聯盟 - 美幸
Kancolle - 大淀, 翔鶴 (太太), 烏海 , 瑞鶴


Building & Prop Downloads
Transportation Download
SimCity, Your Computer
Download Transportation Download - 1.41MB

Anyone have this file can share it to me please ?
天然系長髮眼鏡娘 最高
Lucky Star 聯盟 - 美幸
Kancolle - 大淀, 翔鶴 (太太), 烏海 , 瑞鶴


再問過 EA
今次另一位 Support 人叫我 比多d 資料去 Vertify 翻d 資料
天然系長髮眼鏡娘 最高
Lucky Star 聯盟 - 美幸
Kancolle - 大淀, 翔鶴 (太太), 烏海 , 瑞鶴


EA 覆到了

Thank you for all that information, as per sending this email I checked the serial number and here are your game\'s registration details:

..................... XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX ...................

Unfortunately, once registered, a game cannot be unregistered or transferred to a different account name.

If you want to retrieve the password, click here: http://simcity.ea.com/login/lostpwd.php
The password will be sent to your email.
Note: In order to receive email from Electronic Arts you will need to disable the spam filter, or add “EA.com” to the list of senders that is allowed through the filter.

If your email is invalid or inactive, please reply with a current working email so I can update the account on your behalf.

Thank you,

Jonas C.
Electronic Arts Technical Support

天然系長髮眼鏡娘 最高
Lucky Star 聯盟 - 美幸
Kancolle - 大淀, 翔鶴 (太太), 烏海 , 瑞鶴