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原帖由 Evolution 於 2011/5/14 15:28 發表 X文唔識睇
原帖由 qcmadness 於 2011/5/31 11:02 發表 Phenom 1 launch果陣仲未到speed target 要到Phenom II先返到 所以你見佢地效能差好遠
原帖由 真.飛鳥 於 2011/6/8 00:31 發表 鐵盒咁重本 咁有信心?
At this time, the press NDA disclosure is planned for the 06 Sept while the retail launch is planned for October, between 03 and 15. The exact date is not yet defined, but it's really October.
原帖由 Henry 於 2011/8/28 20:00 發表 就係要快.
原帖由 Henry 於 2011/8/29 06:28 發表 咁1090T係咪唔疾? 3.4都夠玩啦,我先唔想成日RMA.