
[業界消息] The rise and fall of AMD: part 1

- OMG AMD 賣走自己 Austin , TX HQ 再租翻   咩料呀
- Bill 叔叔竟然係間接幫過 A 仔, 推 NexGen 比 A 記
- 2000 年賺大錢係賣 Flash Memory 而賺 而唔係因為 Athlon Facepalm
(Shamesung 個陣都未屈機)

[ 本帖最後由 dom 於 2013-4-23 20:51 編輯 ]
天然系長髮眼鏡娘 最高
Lucky Star 聯盟 - 美幸
Kancolle - 大淀, 翔鶴 (太太), 烏海 , 瑞鶴


原帖由 Puff 於 2013/4/23 20:45 發表

Sunnyvale 有賣咩?賣左 Lone Star Camp 咋嘛。
都係 HQ
天然系長髮眼鏡娘 最高
Lucky Star 聯盟 - 美幸
Kancolle - 大淀, 翔鶴 (太太), 烏海 , 瑞鶴


As a result we had a mediocre customer plan, a hit-or-miss reputation, and no global strategy at all
正如 APU 推左出黎 個 Marketing 重係 推人 EPIC FAIL 既 Faildozer , 過左半年
見到 APU 開始有人留意 (OEM like APU ) 同埋 Faildozer 衰到貼地之後 先推
Now, no matter what they do, they've got a great team, they've got good management, unfortunately I think it's very late."
Their GPU Team is great , CPU is OK *(APU)
Rory Read ok for his execution as CEO , but the editor is right, very late and may not recoverable

[ 本帖最後由 dom 於 2013-4-23 21:17 編輯 ]
天然系長髮眼鏡娘 最高
Lucky Star 聯盟 - 美幸
Kancolle - 大淀, 翔鶴 (太太), 烏海 , 瑞鶴


當年真係有諗過買NV ,
好難想像如果成左事 老黃做左 A 記 CEO
今時今日 AMD 會係點
天然系長髮眼鏡娘 最高
Lucky Star 聯盟 - 美幸
Kancolle - 大淀, 翔鶴 (太太), 烏海 , 瑞鶴


is that the TSV you keep saying MAY save AMD or kill it ?
It's a good guess, but what you should really be paying attention to is 2.5D & 3D die-stacking, through silicon vias (TSV), and packaging technologies to support that. Imagine stacking APUs and memory connected to 4096 bit wide memory buses which deliver 512GB/s throughput to those CPU & GPU cores, burning less power than a current stand-alone APU, but outperforming them by a significant factor.

The capability to do this is manufacturing dependent, and guess who has the best semiconductor manufacturing technology in the world. That being said something like the preceding might be a great cost-reduction step for those next generation consoles. Its a race to get there; pick your horse.
I saw this in the comment section and someone said this guy is Former AMD employee
天然系長髮眼鏡娘 最高
Lucky Star 聯盟 - 美幸
Kancolle - 大淀, 翔鶴 (太太), 烏海 , 瑞鶴


原帖由 Puff 於 2013/4/24 14:16 發表

篇野係 Okay,但係唔係全面。所以個 conclusion 我覺得睇下就算。Sanders 退休都已經十年,3 個 CEO 行既路做過既野都有分別,仲未計 ATi corporate culture 對 AMD 既相互影響。red/green side 呢樣野的確存在,但總算係淡 ...
Faildozer hurt the most
天然系長髮眼鏡娘 最高
Lucky Star 聯盟 - 美幸
Kancolle - 大淀, 翔鶴 (太太), 烏海 , 瑞鶴


原帖由 BeleBala 於 2013/4/29 00:27 發表
心思思想升1055t 去 FX8350/steamroller
looks like they're not that bad
OK 既
至少 1090T ( @ 2.7GHz) => FX-6300 我收貨
天然系長髮眼鏡娘 最高
Lucky Star 聯盟 - 美幸
Kancolle - 大淀, 翔鶴 (太太), 烏海 , 瑞鶴


原帖由 BeleBala 於 2013/4/29 21:47 發表

we moved into new building but the computer lab became smaller...
all computers were occupied by senior students during review preparation week

I was told the computers there are 8-core Xeon worksta ...
咪又係依家 No.1 個邊比人當文書機 既 Xeon E3 (Core i7 class)
不過 2U 既話 64GB RAM 就應該好爽既
天然系長髮眼鏡娘 最高
Lucky Star 聯盟 - 美幸
Kancolle - 大淀, 翔鶴 (太太), 烏海 , 瑞鶴


原帖由 BeleBala 於 2013/4/30 01:18 發表
WTF but piledriver 唔多掂 compared with thuban..
Clock to clock = thats sure for no
relative performance + support new extension set = yes, AVX (FMA) / AES


原帖由 BeleBala 於 2013/5/1 23:07 發表

you mean 胎死?
其實都要睇 GF
天然系長髮眼鏡娘 最高
Lucky Star 聯盟 - 美幸
Kancolle - 大淀, 翔鶴 (太太), 烏海 , 瑞鶴