
[硬件] 利害!!!

原帖由 cainester 於 2013/8/7 17:43 發表
http://forum.techinferno.com/diy ... -internal-lcd-%5Bus$250%5D.html

真係登 AMD APU 唔抵.......

我買 APU Notebook 就係為左咁

外加一堆野 倒不如整合埋係部機

[ 本帖最後由 dom 於 2013-8-7 19:05 編輯 ]
天然系長髮眼鏡娘 最高
Lucky Star 聯盟 - 美幸
Kancolle - 大淀, 翔鶴 (太太), 烏海 , 瑞鶴


No one care APU


remeber few years ago Isaid I want notebook can play game and light ,APU is getting there but Intel now rob all the effort and every ppl think Intel Ultrabook is cool


原帖由 cainester 於 2013/8/8 15:13 發表

Poor sister dom
Last  Informal Techday I brought my Thinkpad Edge and play game on battery
When QC's Thinkpad X300 cant

Its one of the reason I like APU and notebook with decent graphic
Gaming @ mobile

But now new gen. intel Onboard can play lu


原帖由 cainester 於 2013/8/8 17:01 發表

我個妹之前用緊JBL creature用用下都立左我對klipsch 2.0
Your sis is smart


原帖由 ~Mars~ 於 2013/8/8 23:16 發表

There is a lot of middle ground in between

If there is a commercialized eGPU product within HK$1k, I'd probably buy it. Couple that with a $~1.5k graphics card and I'm set

Most PC gamers don't have ...
Yes , but the problem is
If you want to place "mid-range" ( $1000~2000) External graphic card
Most of them require at least 1x 6pin and 150W+ PSU to have "decent" performance
don't forget "mid-range" card usually require Dual Slot placement , graphic card + PSU air cooling / ventilation solution.

In the end the External VGA box won't be small and it won't be cheap as well
天然系長髮眼鏡娘 最高
Lucky Star 聯盟 - 美幸
Kancolle - 大淀, 翔鶴 (太太), 烏海 , 瑞鶴


原帖由 cainester 於 2013/8/8 23:45 發表

If people are willing to pay extra for an external enclosure, I'd call it a success not a flaw, because that means there is a market for these products.

Not everyone sees value only in raw horsepowe ...
I don't want to be "closed mind" but as I owned two "Mid-range" card

Here is the card
HD7850 2GB GDDR5 and
GeForce GTX660 2GB GDDR5

Both cost around ~$1600 and can handle most game @ 1080p

Both run nicely when you place it in ATX case
but starting to place either card into smaller computer case (For example SG-02)

I know you may think I shouldn't compare this case with the things you mention
but I have to point out even with this "space" around

When the card run modern game ( like Battlefield 3 for example) , the temperature of the card goes up to 68C.

I tried fit it into smaller space like ITX case (SG-05)
but fitting Mid-range performance card into SG05 will start to have problem keeping the card from overheating  

Maybe custom built ITX rig can do the trick

but the External case won't be very small as it still need to fit a 150W ~ 200W PSU and cooling capacity  to keep the graphic card cool.

Of courser there are easier way for not so "mid-range" graphic solution (but don't expect to play new game and have good experience )

Another "solution" for reduce the size is using Mobile graphic card ( which won't be cheap as well )
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天然系長髮眼鏡娘 最高
Lucky Star 聯盟 - 美幸
Kancolle - 大淀, 翔鶴 (太太), 烏海 , 瑞鶴


原帖由 XT 於 2013/8/9 01:04 發表

external display card 既作用係 ...
我要 mobile 就抽走部機即刻行出去
返到屋企插條線可以插多幾個mon黎用 , 仲打到機 ...

所以佢既大細以至到用電量都唔會係首要既考慮 ...
問題係到依家所見既 solution 細極有限.....一係就無有效率既 接機
(有 Docking 或者行 FireWire / Thunderbolt / ExpressCard )

我都想見到 , 我由頭到尾唔反對呢樣野

由我用第一部 Notebook 開始 已經想有呢類野
- 部 S2210 當年係差張顯卡 (有趣既係 個陣既 RS480 已經係 好過同期 Intel )
- 到去到 Thinkpad X100e , 就因為廠問題 用左 RS780 (Mobile HD3200) 無左硬解 Flash 又係差d
個陣我又係話想換好d 顯卡

- 再換 Thinkpad Edge 13 AMD (現役) , 其他一般用已經夠 , HD4200 幾好,
但係我拿黎玩下game 又係差d, 有得勁d 顯卡就好

點解我鍾意 AMD APU 另一個原因就係 因為CPU 送埋 Graphic 又可以玩到下game
(雖然 AMD APU Notebook 係香港係唔賣得 亦都唔受落 , D OEM 廠又低能設計,  AMD 粒U 功耗又唔生性 )

不過依家 連 Intel 都係咁推 iGPU (= APU) 推到追平手了 , 當連內顯性能追上入門級顯卡
插 External Graphic /Docking 既 market 只會更難生存

點解我砌 ITX 加顯卡 (QC 係掉轉, 砌 ITX 用 Onboard )
我用黎用去都建議人唔好用咁細個箱就係因為 顯卡發熱量 要有翻咁上下性能就唔會細
你要唔太熱又玩到下 又唔想另加插電類既 得 GT640 / HD7730 / HD7750 級
如果整 External VGA Docking既話 配呢d 卡至少慳位 , 供電同散熱容易解決左

問題係 呢d 級數已經比 Onboard GPU 追得好近 , 生存空間亦都有限
廠商真係整 External VGA Dock 佢整個box 比你最高塞到 HD7750 級比你打機 但係賣 $2000

或者我講咁耐 可能用gamer 觀點睇唔似
http://www.bit-tech.net/news/har ... hics-card-case-deb/
其實係有廠整的, 只不過未必係細部

http://www.extremetech.com/compu ... l-not-blow-you-away
工作用 既 都有
AMD 2008 年個陣已經提出過 , 點解無人整 , 唔好問我點解

如果你問 出呢類產品比 Notebook (不限品牌/機種, 只要有 Thunderbolt 接頭就得)
而價錢合理又配到 性能級顯卡玩既話 
我大機 (= 美幸號) 都唔駛用了

[ 本帖最後由 dom 於 2013-8-9 01:42 編輯 ]
天然系長髮眼鏡娘 最高
Lucky Star 聯盟 - 美幸
Kancolle - 大淀, 翔鶴 (太太), 烏海 , 瑞鶴


原帖由 XT 於 2013/8/9 01:04 發表

external display card 既作用係 ...
我要 mobile 就抽走部機即刻行出去
返到屋企插條線可以插多幾個mon黎用 , 仲打到機 ...

所以佢既大細以至到用電量都唔會係首要既考慮 ...
so $300 USD Thunderbolt powered External Graphic Card solution is out already
(Excluded Graphic card)

You can buy one
天然系長髮眼鏡娘 最高
Lucky Star 聯盟 - 美幸
Kancolle - 大淀, 翔鶴 (太太), 烏海 , 瑞鶴


Looks like I terminate the thread again


原帖由 XT 於 2013/8/10 01:26 發表

所以下一步咪係用 wireless 去接
而家都有 WiDi , AirPlay 去接 monitor
display card 都係遲早
前年我去 COMPUTEX, 一向唔多想去 Intel Booth 睇既我
都係因為 WiDi 玩無線 引左我埋去 , 只不過可能 Intel 授權食水深
兩年黎 話就話 內顯 Sandy Bridge個代已經 Built in support WiDI , 只不過要 External ....
太貴了 無人同你 Intel 顛

[ 本帖最後由 dom 於 2013-8-10 08:11 編輯 ]
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天然系長髮眼鏡娘 最高
Lucky Star 聯盟 - 美幸
Kancolle - 大淀, 翔鶴 (太太), 烏海 , 瑞鶴


原帖由 cheungmanhoi 於 2013/8/9 16:39 發表

限品牌/機種, 只要有 Thunderbolt 接頭就得)
而價錢合理又配到 性能級顯卡玩既話

兼容夾機 個度可以用 Thunderbolt + Software 解決到既...
問題係 Driver 個度要 A/N 支援
天然系長髮眼鏡娘 最高
Lucky Star 聯盟 - 美幸
Kancolle - 大淀, 翔鶴 (太太), 烏海 , 瑞鶴


原帖由 qcmadness 於 2013/8/10 01:27 發表

Wireless display card? 咁不如remote gaming (for PS5 / Xbox Two?)
N記個 SHIELD 咪係囉
用 N 記顯卡 (要支援 Wireless , 呢part唔知佢有無指定要用乜) => Project SHIELD 拿住 =>  Video 出電視show 畫面
天然系長髮眼鏡娘 最高
Lucky Star 聯盟 - 美幸
Kancolle - 大淀, 翔鶴 (太太), 烏海 , 瑞鶴


原帖由 XT 於 2013/8/10 01:32 發表

Intel - nV = 老黃唔想傾
Intel - ARM / AMD - nV = 都可以傾既 , 不過兩間都係對手.....
nV - ARM = 呢個有potential , 問題係 老黃......
nV - ARM / AMD - ARM = 唔好話我個人偏好, ARM 缺既 AMD 有, AMD 缺錢 , 以 AMD 話會入 ARM market (Server?)
砌 ARM based Opteron 既做法,
係 ARM 陣營個邊 AMD 係除左 PowerVR (Imagtion) 同nVIDIA 之外 有得傾 + 手上拿住 GPU 有關既 IP既

nV 唔係唔得, 問題係 nV 係其他 ARM 廠既直接對手 + 老黃性格  + Tegra 大家心照咩事架啦
(Tegra 2 -> Tegra 4 都係唔賣得 N 記主業 GPU 可以撐到幾耐 )

[ 本帖最後由 dom 於 2013-8-10 08:20 編輯 ]
天然系長髮眼鏡娘 最高
Lucky Star 聯盟 - 美幸
Kancolle - 大淀, 翔鶴 (太太), 烏海 , 瑞鶴


原帖由 XT 於 2013/8/10 01:19 發表

你唔好用我地既用法去諗一般既 user , 永遠都會錯的

整咁多部機? 痴o左線咩 ...

所以而家既發展方向係 , Tower 愈出愈勁 , 例子有 Mac Pro
另外 mobility 去出 MBA ,  ...
我都係做左依家份工 對得 "一般user" 多 先明點解 AMD 打唔入商用market
天然系長髮眼鏡娘 最高
Lucky Star 聯盟 - 美幸
Kancolle - 大淀, 翔鶴 (太太), 烏海 , 瑞鶴