原帖由 leyland1989 於 2013/3/25 03:17 發表
錯了, 其實除左國別係因為西洋棋點數換特染 ( =用過真錢) 之外其他野都無咩用到錢
1. French kit I paid 2 special ship dye + 3 special ship permit with ppl help to make
, so its not completely free.
法國國別我係拜託朋友幫手整 , 我係有比兩個特染同 專用艦證的, 不過包鐵就我朋友有多, 唔駛錢
2. One of my fd saw a guy asking to exchange ship, but nobody trust him as it sounds impossible
, I dont believe at first but my fd dont have the roman ship with him, I have spare one from Christmas daily login gift , so I use Miyuki to trade if it is real, and that guy exchange my ship and give me the turtle ship without extra cost
至於點解有隻祭禮龜 , 係因為有人係探服里斯本問人換強襲羅馬排, 咁我有朋友(EPC) 見到佢自己有隻羅馬排
就問我隻船系邊 , 點知隻船唔係歐洲, 想換船既 又唔想等 , 咁我fd 就話如果我有強襲羅馬排就 同佢換啦
不過都係有d 拗底 , 驚佢換船突然收翻 或者比隻普通龜
3. Plus Miyuki rised 2 rank after Great Sea War
連打三晚大海戰 美幸升官兩級
本帖最後由 dom 於 2013-3-25 18:48 編輯 ]