
[業界消息] Engadget Interview with AMD's John Taylor

原帖由 qcmadness 於 2013/1/11 23:03 發表
一個low-power core arch.   (ARM , Intel "Atom" , AMD "Bobcat" Family )
一個high-performance core arch.  ( x86 / Power / etc
天然系長髮眼鏡娘 最高
Lucky Star 聯盟 - 美幸
Kancolle - 大淀, 翔鶴 (太太), 烏海 , 瑞鶴


http://www.pcper.com/reviews/Sho ... ri-side-Sea-Islands

Socket FM2 and Socket FM2+ ?!!
and originally Trinity have PCI-e 3.0 support and got cut ?

DAMN IT AMD WTF are you doing
天然系長髮眼鏡娘 最高
Lucky Star 聯盟 - 美幸
Kancolle - 大淀, 翔鶴 (太太), 烏海 , 瑞鶴


原帖由 Puff 於 2013/1/12 17:38 發表

cores 唔會嫌多既就,當然,依家黎講桌面筆記本呢 D,4 粒強 core 係最 optimal,換句話講就係 ST performance.
所以係 shared resources 既 penalty 加上 thousands cuts 既乘數效應,造就左今日 dom 姐口中既 Failzoer。
St ...
If they have enough time to fix it.....

Intel is chasing up way faster on iGPU than AMD push APU
when now some user may forgive weaker CPU power APU w/better iGPU

In the future ,APU not just face Intel Haswell, also ARM based competition....


Mind you Intel / AMD Market share is changing, losing market share due to FAILDOZER and layoff workforce will further impact the ability for AMD to R&D and develop new product (GPU/CPU)