
[硬件] 突然間對肥龍有番d信心 XD

突然間對肥龍有番d信心 XD


果個 BT 網都算係數一數二多人, AMD 俾到 2 粒應該係 ES 既 Opteron 2352 佢地玩下, 放埋落 production 既 server 都冇事 爽呀

費事係友台 post, 俾人插死就無謂


岩岩又去果個網搵野時 發現果個 topic 有成堆人 reply, 原來連果邊都有打手, 睇到我



when you run an intel chip in 64 bit, you cut its performance almost in half

Core/Core2 are nice architectures(built off the pentium 3 line), but they\'ll still get stomped in any real world applications, especially in 64 bit. If you run an intel chip in 64 bit(save the netburst xeons), you cut it\'s performance in nearly half. Intel doesn\'t make a chip right now that matches AMD in a performance system. Mobile systems? Sure. Economy dell/hp/compaq boxes? Sure. But opterons hold the crown for performance.

真唔真, intel 行 64bit 慢過 AMD