HKSpot » 電子玩物
原帖由 cracker 於 2012-1-10 15:15 發表 Tried a new idea..same to be work 2 white, 2 black in the same day same account same credit card, both received OA
原帖由 cracker 於 2012-1-10 15:54 發表 Difference Color of IPhone4s have difference product ID, And I guess each product order count will update only when the product was shipped. So if I order 2 white & 2 order in the same day, such cas ...
原帖由 河本鬼茂 於 2012-1-10 15:58 發表 佢係一張單2 x W,另一張單2 x B。
原帖由 cracker 於 2012-1-10 16:05 發表 No problem, no earn /= loss $$$ I have earned a lot before from apple
原帖由 河本鬼茂 於 2012-1-10 16:25 發表 冇OA,cut既機會大過唔cut,雖然有人冇OA照收到貨,但真係要祈禱!
原帖由 rickywk 於 2012-1-10 17:04 發表 PP客好正 拎張P飛,下一個即serve你... Hotline,又自己手提打上去,禁1字即可以搵CS
原帖由 小Ray 於 2012-1-10 17:06 發表 又係乜都冇
原帖由 toby 於 2012-1-10 19:44 發表 點解咁快pack左箱 咁既樣