
[硬件] Fermi Doomed

wow guess NVIDIA went way overboard with their GPGPU concept...

I\'ll only wait for low power laptop GPUs...lol


Originally posted by qcmadness at 2010-3-26 20:55:

I think Fermi is not over-stress on GPGPU.

Forced by AMD and Intel, NVIDIA is shifting from a GPU company to a GPGPU + Software company.

As a GPGPU card, its performance is unquestionable.  ...
yes what I was saying is NVIDIA spent too much resource on GPGPU aspect. And they missed on the gaming aspect.

edit: If NVIDIA will develop 2 chips, one for mainstream gamers and one for Tesla concentrating on GPGPU power, probably will be better. But then NVIDIA probably doesn\'t have that resource to do so.


Originally posted by qcmadness at 2010-3-26 21:05:

I don\'t know why NVIDIA chooses to use 1 single GPU for gaming + GPGPU applications.
Fermi for GPGPU and Fermi for gaming (gaming does not need DP programmable shaders)

Although RV870 is only ...
hope NVIDIA can do well in GPGPU field and give us a better revision of Fermi....


Originally posted by qcmadness at 2010-3-26 21:09:

You may better count on Intel for better GPU (Larrabee Generation X) for coming 5 years.

NVIDIA will not focus on gaming anymore.
I don\'t think NVIDIA will give up gaming market THIS easily.
They still need this to push their PhysX.

And for Intel....I\'ll believe when I see it...


Originally posted by qcmadness at 2010-3-26 21:12:

PhysX is the saving grace for NVIDIA GPUs.
Many people just buy NVIDIA GPUs because of PhysX.
Then they need to preview the PhysX is doable with their own chip.

They are not a complete software company at least now.


Originally posted by qcmadness at 2010-3-26 21:31:

Fermi boasts exceptional well CUDA / GPGPU / Tessellation speed.
I think this GF100 MIGHT not be the gaming oriented chip that NVIDIA intended to sell.

NV announce this first maybe because they want to maintain their GPGPU leadership. So this proves their shift in their priority.


http://www.amazon.com/Zotac-GeFo ... 69600472&sr=1-1

$499 is not a bad price.


Originally posted by irvingtin at 2010-3-26 22:35:

http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_s ... 870&x=0&y=0

點都係 5870 底玩D
Temporarily Out of Stock for most 5870...

and 499 is quite cheap for a release MSRP.