
[業界消息] AMD promises 64-bit ARM-based Opteron server CPUs coming in 2014

AMD promises 64-bit ARM-based Opteron server CPUs coming in 2014

AMD has long stuck to x86 architecture for its server processors, but its gearing up to add 64-bit ARM-based Opteron CPUs to its arsenal in 2014. Sunnyvale also plans to reap the fruits of its SeaMicro acquisition by employing the company's "fabric" tech to link its ARM-based processors in clusters for maximizing efficiency. Where might these new processors come in handy? AMD thinks they'll fit nicely into clouds and "mega data centers" thanks to their power efficiency, but it'll let its x86-based hardware do the heavier lifting such as video encoding and rendering. Other details on the CPUs are scarce, but we suspect that'll change as 2014 approaches.
AMD Changes Compute Landscape as the First to Bridge Both x86 and ARM Processors for the Data Center

Company to Complement x86-based Offerings with New Processors Based on ARM 64-bit Technology, Starting with Server Market

SUNNYVALE, Calif. -10/29/2012
In a bold strategic move, AMD (NYSE: AMD) announced that it will design 64-bit ARM® technology-based processors in addition to its x86 processors for multiple markets, starting with cloud and data center servers. AMD's first ARM technology-based processor will be a highly-integrated, 64-bit multicore System-on-a-Chip (SoC) optimized for the dense, energy-efficient servers that now dominate the largest data centers and power the modern computing experience. The first ARM technology-based AMD Opteron™ processor is targeted for production in 2014 and will integrate the AMD SeaMicro Freedom™ supercompute fabric, the industry's premier high-performance fabric.

AMD's new design initiative addresses the growing demand to deliver better performance-per-watt for dense cloud computing solutions. Just as AMD introduced the industry's first mainstream 64-bit x86 server solution with the AMD Opteron processor in 2003, AMD will be the only processor provider bridging the x86 and 64-bit ARM ecosystems to enable new levels of flexibility and drive optimal performance and power-efficiency for a range of enterprise workloads.

"AMD led the data center transition to mainstream 64-bit computing with AMD64, and with our ambidextrous strategy we will again lead the next major industry inflection point by driving the widespread adoption of energy-efficient 64-bit server processors based on both the x86 and ARM architectures," said Rory Read, president and chief executive officer, AMD. "Through our collaboration with ARM, we are building on AMD's rich IP portfolio, including our deep 64-bit processor knowledge and industry-leading AMD SeaMicro Freedom supercompute fabric, to offer the most flexible and complete processing solutions for the modern data center."

"The industry needs to continuously innovate across markets to meet customers' ever-increasing demands, and ARM and our partners are enabling increasingly energy-efficient computing solutions to address these needs," said Warren East, chief executive officer, ARM. "By collaborating with ARM, AMD is able to leverage its extraordinary portfolio of IP, including its AMD Freedom supercompute fabric, with ARM 64-bit processor cores to build solutions that deliver on this demand and transform the industry."

The explosion of the data center has brought with it an opportunity to optimize compute with vastly different solutions. AMD is providing a compute ecosystem filled with choice, offering solutions based on AMD Opteron x86 CPUs, new server-class Accelerated Processing Units (APUs) that leverage Heterogeneous Systems Architecture (HSA), and new 64-bit ARM-based solutions.

This strategic partnership with ARM represents the next phase of AMD's strategy to drive ambidextrous solutions in emerging mega data center solutions. In March, AMD announced the acquisition of SeaMicro, the leader in high-density, energy-efficient servers. With this announcement, AMD will integrate the AMD SeaMicro Freedom fabric across its leadership AMD Opteron x86- and ARM technology-based processors that will enable hundreds, or even thousands of processor clusters to be linked together to provide the most energy-efficient solutions.

"Over the past decade the computer industry has coalesced around two high-volume processor architectures – x86 for personal computers and servers, and ARM for mobile devices," observed Nathan Brookwood, research fellow at Insight 64. "Over the next decade, the purveyors of these established architectures will each seek to extend their presence into market segments dominated by the other. The path on which AMD has now embarked will allow it to offer products based on both x86 and ARM architectures, a capability no other semiconductor manufacturer can likely match."


This time AMD really RIP



1. 加入 ARM 陣營 等於宣佈 Intel 可以全面開戰 打死 AMD 為止 ...........
2. ARM  市場上對手間間都 Intel 級 , 重未計 國家級既 Shamesung
3. Product Time-to-Market AMD 呢part 做得非常差,  幾乎無代 CPU 可以如期內 launch 到 , ARM 市場競爭大, 進化轉得重快過 x86 ( 來來去去都係對住 Intel , tick-tock 你都追唔上啦 AMD .....)
我唔知點解d 人覺得 AMD 加入 ARM 陣營係好事囉
天然系長髮眼鏡娘 最高
Lucky Star 聯盟 - 美幸
Kancolle - 大淀, 翔鶴 (太太), 烏海 , 瑞鶴


就算佢唔搞 ARM processor,佢都係要面對來自 ARM ecosystem 既競爭,無論係 generic server 定係 microserver。所以呢...
AMD 唯一既 Jagaur the synthesis core 亦都唔係 designed for server workload,最少基本既 ECC protection in cache 已經無。
如果佢想 attack microserver 呢個市場,最極速既 ToM 除左 ARM 仲有乜選擇?

[ 本帖最後由 Puff 於 2012-10-30 23:44 編輯 ]


原帖由 Puff 於 2012-10-30 23:37 發表
就算佢唔搞 ARM processor,佢都係要面對來自 ARM ecosystem 既競爭,無論係 generic server 定係 microserver。所以呢...
AMD 唯一既 Jagaur the synthesis core 亦都唔係 designed for server workload,最少基本既 ECC  ...
但係Time to market真係用ARM的唯一選擇
放棄自己的talent, 放棄自己的ecosystem, 有乜為?

除非Jagaur都會出server edition


原帖由 Puff 於 2012/10/30 23:37 發表
就算佢唔搞 ARM processor,佢都係要面對來自 ARM ecosystem 既競爭,無論係 generic server 定係 microserver。所以呢...
AMD 唯一既 Jagaur the synthesis core 亦都唔係 designed for server workload,最少基本既 ECC  ...
Well , 將已經有限既資源 *R&D 人手* 重cut 走多d 去開多條戰線
AMD 自己本業 x86 CPU , GPU 都未顧惦 又開條 ARM  , 競爭對手重要間間  Intel 咁大間
快又快過你出  (賣緊都有了)

我覺得 A 記咁玩法 等同 同自己簽死亡證
天然系長髮眼鏡娘 最高
Lucky Star 聯盟 - 美幸
Kancolle - 大淀, 翔鶴 (太太), 烏海 , 瑞鶴


x86都未搞得掂...仲走去搞arm.. 佢無非都係想將自己既gpu放係自己arm cpu度..


原帖由 qcmadness 於 2012-10-31 00:28 發表

但係Time to market真係用ARM的唯一選擇
放棄自己的talent, 放棄自己的ecosystem, 有乜為?

除非Jagaur都會出server edition
佢有放棄 x86 咩?無喎。佢借 ARM Cortex A50 黎 extend 佢既市場咋喎。
Future x86 Opteron CPU & APU 一樣可以搞 integrated fabric + 進軍 microserver.

不過老老 77,我都對成件事好多疑問。真係 profitable? 會唔會其實係佢只 announce ARM SoC,其他 Analyst Day 再見?

順便更正下,Bobcat 既 L2 Cache 已經係 ECC Protected... L1 係 Parity Protected...

[ 本帖最後由 Puff 於 2012-10-31 17:04 編輯 ]


原帖由 dom 於 2012-10-31 02:07 發表

Well , 將已經有限既資源 *R&D 人手* 重cut 走多d 去開多條戰線
AMD 自己本業 x86 CPU , GPU 都未顧惦 又開條 ARM  , 競爭對手重要間間  Intel 咁大間
快又快過你出  (賣緊都有了)

我覺得 A 記咁玩法 等同 同自 ...
呢點我有點同意,但亦有所保留。反正依家既 AMD 就係空有頂級功訣,但係修為就完全未夠火候。

[ 本帖最後由 Puff 於 2012-10-31 16:53 編輯 ]


其實係咪搞 x86 + ARM + GPGPU 混合運算架構 Server?


原帖由 XT 於 2012-10-31 18:50 發表
其實係咪搞 x86 + ARM + GPGPU 混合運算架構 Server?
not a good choice considering AMD has Jagaur


原帖由 XT 於 2012-10-31 18:50 發表
其實係咪搞 x86 + ARM + GPGPU 混合運算架構 Server?
最多係 Big + Little + data-parallel processor 三種 heterogeneous core,針對三種唔同既 workforce. 而 Big 同 Little 正常黎講都會係相同 ISA.
即使係有 embracing ISA virtalization 既 HSA,但係正路都唔會搞 multi-ISA multi-core。
Big + Little 對 server 最大既意義只在於佢果個 power scaling... idle/lightly loaded 用 Small cores, high load 果陣用 Big Cores
不過無野係完美,可能出 Big + DPP 同 Little + DPP 兩個獨立既產品針對唔同既 workload 比起一粒做晒會更加事半功倍。

當然我唔排除呢個可能,但係呢種情況下無 HSA/OS integration... 睇你覺得一種有你無我得一半用而且增加成本既 dual ISA design 值唔值囉。
但我唔排除會有比單純 ARM core + x86 core 更進一步既雜交架構既。比如話 Power-efficient and area-optimized Maoalsielzklekzor hybrid CPU module with shared SIMD engine and power-efficient shared cache 之類既野。

[ 本帖最後由 Puff 於 2012-10-31 20:32 編輯 ]


原帖由 Puff 於 2012/10/31 16:51 發表

呢點我有點同意,但亦有所保留。反正依家既 AMD 就係空有頂級功訣,但係修為就完全未夠火候。
唔好忘記 Rory 又出刀炒左批人 , 依家都未知炒左邊d R&D 既
如果你話 Faildozer + Marketing 個班當然
但係 GPU / APU / Bobcat team 而走去out-source 買 design 整 ARM
天然系長髮眼鏡娘 最高
Lucky Star 聯盟 - 美幸
Kancolle - 大淀, 翔鶴 (太太), 烏海 , 瑞鶴


原帖由 dom 於 2012-10-31 20:31 發表

唔好忘記 Rory 又出刀炒左批人 , 依家都未知炒左邊d R&D 既
如果你話 Faildozer + Marketing 個班當然
但係 GPU / APU / Bobcat team 而走去out-source 買 design 整 ARM
:n ...


原帖由 XT 於 2012-10-31 20:52 發表

諗住學 x86-64果單咁