
[硬件] Believe it or not? A Intel G3 bench

Believe it or not? A Intel G3 bench

""Intel X25-M G3 SSD in the Wild, Gets Benched
3:10 PM - November 1, 2010 by Marcus Yam - source: Tom's Hardware US
Say hello to a 25nm SSD.

The Intel SSDs, while always reliable and stable performers, are being outpaced by newer, younger SandForce-powered models.

Intel won't stay down for long, as it is currently prepping its 25nm Flash follow-up to its G2 offerings, which it will called the Postville Refresh.

Oddly enough, it appears as though a G3 part has hit the eBay equivalent in China and someone bought it and ran some benchmarks.

There are many counterfeit items in the Chinese marketplace, but early benchmarks don't show a terrible difference between Intel's specifications and the real world results.

Read speed was tested up to 218MB/s, which is below the Intel-promised 250MB/s. Write speed, however, posted 167.4MB/s, near the official 170MB/s.

If it is a fake, it's a very fast one.""


fake? if not, that will be a bit disappointing.