Originally posted by ivan15 at 2010-4-26 21:03:
其實有人對比過Palm OS 同iPhone
由開機到搵到對方電話號碼, Palm OS 都快好多
我敢講..以四大天王 (Calandar, Memos, Phonebook, To Do List) 的比較
Palm 仍然係所有OS 中最簡單, 最快, 最好!!! ...
rule #3
a friend of the government (e.g. BB or WP7 can sell any customer anytime to any government)
Microsoft is a closer friend of any government so long as it open a black door of their windows to the FBI/CIA.
at the same time offering a crap mobile platform to get the government/big corp support.
Palm is just too small and have no enough resource for that.
Palm/Nokia don\'t know that it need to make a community to success.
e.g. ebay / amazon / apple die-hard fans